But, Foxfyre- Would you not admit the following?
a. Obama received huge backing from Blacks and Hispanics.(Indeed, fewer than half of whites voted for him. ) He needs to pay those groups back.
b.Obama is a populist. Probably a Socialist. Your comment to Nimh about "Marxist Tinged Socialism" was right on target but, as you have already learned many times,.Nimh is never off target. But, if you reference varieties of Socialism you will find that,indeed, both in Marxist Theory and as demonstrated in various European countries, Marxist Tinged Socialism exists and Obama is leading us to it.
c. Minly because of large Mexican Immigration, there are more and more illegals in the USA. Because Obama is a populist, watch for Democratic moves, despite the poor economy,to grant citizenship( and therefore voting rights) to more and more illegal ( who will be "forgiven") Hispanics. This will solidify the position of the DEMOSOCIALISTS for years.
Strap on your seat belt, Foxfyre--it's going to be a rough ride.