@Frank Apisa,
Frank Apisa wrote:
Foxfyre I have never for one second thought you to be a racist. I do NOT think all conservatives are racist. I thought I made that pretty clear.
I do think American conservatism appeals to racists. I don't see how anyone can dispute that, because damn near every acknowledged racist (there are plenty of those) subscribe to American conservatism....and to the Republican Party.
Not sure how else to say that, Foxfyre.
Frankly, I think American conservatism is a blight on the country...and I am anxious that it not gain (or re-gain) traction with the American public. So I am happy to see so many conservatives thinking the racial attraction of American conservatism NOT to be a problem, because I see American conservatism being grievously wounded by that problem.
But please, DO NOT think that I think you are a racist. I have heard what you have to say on the issue...and I am convinced you are being straight forward...and ARE NOT EVEN REMOTELY racist.
Well thank you for that, Frank.
Perhaps an ideology that does not cater to people based on race appeals to racists in the same way that an ideology that does cater to people based on race appeals to the most corrupt of politicians? I think pandering to people to gain power is the number one cause/basis of government corruption and is one of the most dishonest and harmful form of politics.
Liberalism that puts environmental issues ahead of people's needs surely attracts those who would spike trees or sabotage fishing boats with no concern for who might be injured or killed. Shall we then denounce all environmentalism and concern for the environment because some take it to extremes?
It was extreme liberalism that appealed to Ted Kaczynski (the unabomber). Shall we assume that all advocates of liberalism are then suspect in what they tolerate or consider appropriate?
Does any of this suggest that liberalism must repair itself to be seen as acceptable in any way or that all liberals condone the corrupt, illegal, irrational, hateful, or misfits in their midst?
If I see liberalism as a blight on the country, is that from a reasoned conclusion or is it a prejudiced point of view?
Until you can show me any ideology that attracts only the pure, righteous, correct, competent, etc., based on your reasons to despising conservatism, I will have to believe that you are looking through eyes of prejudice rather than from any reasoned point of view.
Again to judge an ideology on the basis that some racists identify with it is as irrational as judging all people of a race on the basis that some really bad people are members of that race.