@Frank Apisa,
Now, on the theory of affirmative action:
Our country in the past has oppressed, discriminated against, and unethically compartmentalized and denied unalienable rights to certain people based on race and/or gender. I believe all honest liberals and all honest conservatives agree on that.
Now--agree or disagree, my opinion only regarding affirmative action--with appreciation that these are general terms and that lines between them can be blurred from time to time--I see American ideologies to have evolved as follows:
Extreme liberals see the black man or the woman or a few other groups as permanently wounded by our history and therefore disabled. Affirmative Action is necessary to repair their disability. The liberal extremist can be good hearted but nevertheless racist because s/he sees certain groups as unable to help themselves at all and therefore inferior to other groups.
Mainstream liberals believe racism still exists to the extent that people are still discriminated against and/or disadvantaged and affirmative action is necessary to get them over that hurdle. They frequently advocate lowering standards for disadvantaged groups in order to 'level the playing field' for everybody. The mainstream liberal can be good hearted but nevertheless racist because s/he sees certain groups as incapable of improving their lot in life without government (i.e. the liberals') assistance and forcing others to help them and/or accommodate them according to 'liberal' rules.
(Groups 1 and 2 here approve of gerrymandering voting districts based on race to allow certain groups representation of their own race.)
Hardcore old fashioned conservatives believe people have the right of association. While public services should be open and available to everybody without consideration of race, gender, etc., nobody should be forced to hire or rent to or sell to anybody they do not want to associate with. These people may or may not be racist, but think the government and society should not punish people for being discriminatory in their private lives if they choose to be so.
(Group 3 approves of gerrymandering voting districts based on political ideology to ensure representation of their political party.)
Modern American Conservatives believe that the war against organized racism has been fought and won at a very high cost in blood and treasure and that there are no longer any artificial barriers to prevent anybody from being all he or she has the ability to be. Believing that there are no inate barriers preventing that, we perpetuate racism by assuming that a person is incapable of helping himself/herself with my help or the government's help or whatever. MACs believe that all persons should strive for excellence and lowering standards to accommodate the 'disadvantaged' only diminishes us all and encourages persons to be less than they otherwise would choose to be. It is time for the groups who once were disadvantaged to take advantage of the opportunities they now have, and it is time to stop compartmentalizing people based on race, gender, etc. which feeds racism and keeps it alive in the national psyche. Affirmative Action was once necessary to break down cultural taboos, but that has now been accomplished and, except in very limited circumstances, is no longer necessary.
(MACs can accept very limited affirmative action for economic reasons--providing incentives for corporations to relocate in or offer work in oppressed areas for instance--but otherwise believe it now diminishes people to assume that they need affirmative action in order to accomplish themselves. They disapprove of gerrymandering voting districts for any reason.)
In my opinion, if we generally agree on these four broad groups, the Modern American Conservative--the ideology, not necessarily the individual--is the only group who is non racist these days. MACs believe to separate people into groups needing different accommodation in government, business, society etc. perpetuates racism and keeps it alive. Affirmative Action is one way that we continue to perpetuate racism.