Reply Fri 23 Jan, 2009 11:52 am
@Frank Apisa,
Frank Apisa wrote:

Once again on this "appeal of American conservatism to racists” thing, Foxfyre…allow me this.

Surely you have got to wonder why the conservative agenda…and the Republican Party is so popular among whites in the American South.

Given the history of that region with regard to racial tendencies…given its recent history…why is it that whites in southers American states vote Republican…and hold themselves out to be conservatives"by ratios of 85% or more?

And keep in mind…this is a fairly recent change in the southern states political dynamics.

Frank, I grew up in the south and I have lived in the north. Racism exists in both places and, in fact, I observed more racism in the so-called 'liberal' strongholds than anything that I see in the south today. I think southerners now adopt conservatism more as I have described modern American conservatives. To assume that they are Republican because they are 'white' or because they are bigots sounds very much like an irrational prejudiced or bigoted attitude to me.

How is your compartmentalizing Republicans as racist based on your anecdotal experience any different than a southerner feeling negative toward black people because of his own very real and unpleasant experience with some black people?

Before Johnson backed and signed the Equal Rights legislation…the south was predominantly Democratic. The so-called “southern strategy” of Richard Nixon played on that quite openly.

How do you account for the overwhelming appeal of the conservative agenda among whites in rural southern states…if it is not racially motivated?

Remember that Johnson would never have gotten civil rights/equal rights passed without support of a majority of Republicans.

And again to assume that appeal of the conservative agenda among southern whites is racially motivated is irrational and unsupportable in the extreme. Even moreso if you spend a lot of time in the south and witness more racial harmony there than you find in most big northern cities.

Once again, I have no dog in this fight. If American conservatism does not fix itself…no skin off my nose. In fact, my personal opinion is that America is much, much better off with its conservative element as much in the minority as possible…playing the loyal opposition rather than the leader.

But it is an important thing for you…and I cannot fathom why you are giving this item…which I personally see as glaring and the pivotal one for my refusal to even consider adopting American conservatism as a personal political philosophy"such short shrift.

Would you be giving it 'short shrift' if I was arguing that it is not the Republican party but rather the Democratic party that is the racist party? I don't see it as any less racist or any more commendable to buy votes and power at the expense of people of a particular race. But again, if you rob Peter to pay Paul, you can always count on the support of Paul.

0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Fri 23 Jan, 2009 11:54 am
Cyclo, Your list proves what the so-called conservatives value for America and Americans. Foxie and her like-minded minions will never admit to their prejudices. They love to repeat all their positives, but don't ever mention the realities of who they are; racial bigots, homophobic bigots, and limit the blessings of our country to conservative WASPS. Hail hitler!
0 Replies
Reply Fri 23 Jan, 2009 11:55 am
Try this history test from that "Black Republicans" site Cyclop:

Frank Apisa
Reply Fri 23 Jan, 2009 11:56 am
Thanks for your response, Foxfyre. I can see there is no chance we will ever have agreement on this.

However, since I am of the opinion that the very best thing that can happen to America is for the American conservative agenda to prevail as little as possible…to appeal to as few as possible…and for American conservatives to be as much a minority as possible…

…I think the best thing to do, Foxfyre, is to hope that you and the other American conservatives who are setting its agenda…continue right down the path you are taking.

No insult meant here. I mean that!

But I honestly see American conservatism to be a destructive, negative force for our country…and the less influence it exerts, the better for all of us.

I think your thoughts on race and things like affirmative action…serves my purposes much, much better than my thoughts…

…so from this point forward, I am going to be encouraging you to head in that direction. It really ends up being the ONLY reasonable course open to me.

I hope all the other folks who have been arguing the way I have…do that same thing.

You are right, Foxfyre…the conservative agenda does not need to make radical adjustments in its policies…should completely disregard any implications of the huge white southern state loyalties…and do its level best to gut any and all affirmative action.

I think that is the way you will best widen your appeal among grassroots America.
Reply Fri 23 Jan, 2009 11:59 am
Foxfyre wrote:

Try this history test from that "Black Republicans" site Cyclop:


Why don't you just respond to my post instead of trying to change the subject?

Reply Fri 23 Jan, 2009 11:59 am
@Frank Apisa,
Frank Apisa wrote:

Thanks for your response, Foxfyre. I can see there is no chance we will ever have agreement on this.

However, since I am of the opinion that the very best thing that can happen to America is for the American conservative agenda to prevail as little as possible…to appeal to as few as possible…and for American conservatives to be as much a minority as possible…

…I think the best thing to do, Foxfyre, is to hope that you and the other American conservatives who are setting its agenda…continue right down the path you are taking.

No insult meant here. I mean that!

But I honestly see American conservatism to be a destructive, negative force for our country…and the less influence it exerts, the better for all of us.

I think your thoughts on race and things like affirmative action…serves my purposes much, much better than my thoughts…

…so from this point forward, I am going to be encouraging you to head in that direction. It really ends up being the ONLY reasonable course open to me.

I hope all the other folks who have been arguing the way I have…do that same thing.

You are right, Foxfyre…the conservative agenda does not need to make radical adjustments in its policies…should completely disregard any implications of the huge white southern state loyalties…and do its level best to gut any and all affirmative action.

I think that is the way you will best widen your appeal among grassroots America.

And you say you're not a liberal, while I don't think I've ever seen you advocate anything that isn't pure liberal agenda. Smile

But amicable agreement to disagree is quite satisfactory to me.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 23 Jan, 2009 11:59 am
Cyclopitchorn does not know what he is talking about. He wont tell you, Foxfyre that REPUBLICANS NOT DEMOCRATS WERE THE LEADERS IN PRESSING FOR tHE vOTING RIGHTS ACT OF 1965.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 23 Jan, 2009 12:01 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:

Foxfyre wrote:

Try this history test from that "Black Republicans" site Cyclop:


Why don't you just respond to my post instead of trying to change the subject?


That does respond to your post. I choose to think it rather immature and stupid to try to have a discussion with somebody who has nothing more substantive to offer than something is a crock of ****. Okay?
Reply Fri 23 Jan, 2009 12:01 pm
Cyclopitchorn will not tell you,Foxfyre that it was the Republicans who pressed for the voting rights act of 1964 and not the Democrats. The Democrats in Congress from the south fought that bill tooth and nail. But Cyclopitchorn has a selective memory!
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Fri 23 Jan, 2009 12:03 pm
The Black National Republican site with the History Test is about as desperate as you can get. It's laughable at best, and ridiculous at worst. Anybody with an average brain can develop a History Test to show how bigoted the conservatives are. ROFL
0 Replies
Reply Fri 23 Jan, 2009 12:04 pm
Well those conservatives are black, CI. According to some here that makes them incapable of prejudice or bigotry.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 23 Jan, 2009 12:05 pm
Foxfyre wrote:

Cycloptichorn wrote:

Foxfyre wrote:

Try this history test from that "Black Republicans" site Cyclop:


Why don't you just respond to my post instead of trying to change the subject?


That does respond to your post. I choose to think it rather immature and stupid to try to have a discussion with somebody who has nothing more substantive to offer than something is a crock of ****. Okay?

It does not respond to my post, Fox, but instead attempts to send me on a trip to find information. Why not just explain yourself, instead of appealing to authority?

I did post several reasons why your statement was stupid. And it's a crock of ****. You are unwilling to substantially defend your statement, and instead are attempting to dodge the responsibility to do so.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 23 Jan, 2009 12:06 pm
FOXFYRE-You have won the debate. You may note that the usual suspects are reduced to portraying your argument as "****". I think they might benefit from having someone examine their constant need to refer to "****" in debate. Some might say they are afflicted with severe cases of copraphilia.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 23 Jan, 2009 12:07 pm
It is also interesting to me that the focus has now turned on bashing me and accusing me of all sorts of things, while not one of the liberals posting here has addressed or attempted to argue re the points on affirmative action that I made. It's like liberals think accusing Republicans or all large groups of white people of racism is a sufficient to justify affirmative action no matter how destructive that might be to the people affirmative action was supposed to help.
cicerone imposter
Reply Fri 23 Jan, 2009 12:11 pm
Yes, Fox, you are able to show how the "minority" of black republicans can produce a history test. But the fact of the matter is, the majority of blacks are registered as democrats. Here's the GALLOP POLL from 2001 through 2005.


0 Replies
Reply Fri 23 Jan, 2009 12:12 pm
Foxfyre wrote:

It is also interesting to me that the focus has now turned on bashing me and accusing me of all sorts of things, while not one of the liberals posting here has addressed or attempted to argue re the points on affirmative action that I made. It's like liberals think accusing Republicans or all large groups of white people of racism is a sufficient to justify affirmative action no matter how destructive that might be to the people affirmative action was supposed to help.

I don't think that any evidence exists, outside of your theories, that AA is destructive to anyone. Perhaps you can present evidence of this?

Reply Fri 23 Jan, 2009 12:17 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:

Foxfyre wrote:

Why don't you provide your own argument for why the definitions are wrong, Cyclop instead of perpetuating your own bigotry?

Try this website on for size:

Sorry, but I refuse to buy into your frame, Foxy. It was American Conservatives - in both parties - who fought tooth and nail to prevent AA's from enjoying equal rights. Conservatives who fought against Women having the right to vote, against inter-racial marriage, who now fight against gays enjoying equal rights. Conservatives who fight against education and assisting the poor. There's just not a lot of belief that people are equal and deserve equal rights on the Conservative side of American politics.

The proof is in the pudding, Fox. You can go on and on about how Conservatives aren't prejudiced against non-white, non-rich, non-males; but the actions of Conservatives have been to consistently limit the rights and opportunities of these groups. How do you square this in your mind?


I thought we were bashing Republicans though, not conservatives, and that history test I referred you to did absolutely 100% address your accusations there. You will continue to be insulting and making prejudicial assumptions that you can't defend, and I just don't want to play that game. Unless you acknowledge that your definition of conservatism and my definition of Modern American Conservatism or two separate things, we have nothing to discuss Cyclop. Do have a great day though.

(P.S. to use numbers/majority to condemn somebody is as unsupportable as to use numbers/minority to dismiss somebody. Could we say that a majority of black people want to be fed, clothed, and supported on the public dole because a majority of black people are Democrats? Or would you say that is a racist and unsupportable statement? (I would)

So now look at your own prejudices re Republicans and white people. The same principle applies.)
Reply Fri 23 Jan, 2009 12:20 pm
There is no attempt to aruge the points. Indeed, I have found that the result of posting evidence results in a stream of invective since it appears that some are enraged since they cannot properly rebut.

In my attempt to educate Frank Apisa that Affirmative Action has not helped black people do better in society, I have cited several authors.

He calls their comments "****". A fine debating point!!!

But, it is proven beyond the shadow of a doubt that Affirmative Action has not produced many African American PHd's especially in Science.


Fifty years after Brown v. Board of Education, the percentage of African American students who receive PhDs in natural science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM) fields remains disappointingly low. A multifaceted, strengths-based approach to intervention and research that holds great promise for increasing the number of African American students who achieve at the highest levels academically is described. This work began in 1988 with the development of the Meyerhoff Scholars Program for undergraduate minority STEM majors at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC). If current PhD receipt rates of program graduates continue, UMBC will in all likelihood become the leading predominantly White baccalaureate-origin university for Black STEM PhDs in the nation. The program is described and outcome and process findings from its ongoing evaluation are highlighted. The parenting practices that helped these youths to overcome the odds and achieve at the highest levels prior to coming to college are also examined.
Source of the abstract: ERIC or Author; prior to 2005, abstractor initials appeared at the end of the abstract. Author

Reply Fri 23 Jan, 2009 12:21 pm

I thought we were bashing Republicans though, not conservatives, and that history test I referred you to did absolutely 100% address your accusations there. You will continue to be insulting and making prejudicial assumptions that you can't defend, and I just don't want to play that game. Unless you acknowledge that your definition of conservatism and my definition of Modern American Conservatism or two separate things, we have nothing to discuss Cyclop. Do have a great day though.

Your post referred to 'modern American Conservatives,' not Republicans. Quit attempting to move the goalposts when you've been shown to be incorrect.

Of course my definition of Conservativism is different than yours, Fox; mine is not based on a theory but instead an examination of the actions and attitudes actually taken and displayed by the Conservatives and their political machine, namely the Republican party.

Time after time, said conservatives have shown themselves to consistently champion the cause of the white, the rich, the male. Very rarely have they championed the cause of anyone else for any reason. So for you to claim that this group is the only non-racist group in America is ridiculous. You seem to have confused the Ideological definition in your head for the Real World. It is not the Real World.

Inside your head, all Conservatives must be great people who see everyone equally. The record does not support this however and from a scientific point of view, your definitions do not stand up to examination.

Of course, you know this. And it's a waste of time to have to repeat simple things to people, so I was hoping we could skip it, and tried to sum up my criticisms of your argument by simply saying:

that's a crock of ****, Fox.


(P.S. to use numbers/majority to condemn somebody is as unsupportable as to use numbers/minority to dismiss somebody. Could we say that a majority of black people want to be fed, clothed, and supported on the public dole because a majority of black people are Democrats? Or would you say that is a racist and unsupportable statement? (I would)

So now look at your own prejudices re Republicans and white people. The same principle applies.)

I'm not responsible for your racist comments, Fox. There is no data supporting your contention, and your views of 'Democrats' and what we want or desire is twisted to say the least.

I have no prejudices re Republicans or White folks; I have intimate knowledge of both, however, and do not blind myself to the truth as you do.

Reply Fri 23 Jan, 2009 12:24 pm
I don't agree that it is a failure genoves. I think at one time Affirmative Action was absolutely necessary to break down barriers intentionally put up to bar certain people from jobs, housing, services, etc.

My argument now is that we got the laws into place to prevent artificial barriers, and Affirmative Action has pretty well done its job. But to keep giving medicine after it is no longer needed will almost always have harmful side effects, and that's the way I see Affirmative Action now. In most cases, Affirmative Action now creates and perpetuates a different form of racism that can be just as destructive as that it once addressed.
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