I thought we were bashing Republicans though, not conservatives, and that history test I referred you to did absolutely 100% address your accusations there. You will continue to be insulting and making prejudicial assumptions that you can't defend, and I just don't want to play that game. Unless you acknowledge that your definition of conservatism and my definition of Modern American Conservatism or two separate things, we have nothing to discuss Cyclop. Do have a great day though.
Your post referred to 'modern American Conservatives,' not Republicans. Quit attempting to move the goalposts when you've been shown to be incorrect.
Of course my definition of Conservativism is different than yours, Fox; mine is not based on a theory but instead an examination of the actions and attitudes actually taken and displayed by the Conservatives and their political machine, namely the Republican party.
Time after time, said conservatives have shown themselves to consistently champion the cause of the white, the rich, the male. Very rarely have they championed the cause of anyone else for any reason. So for you to claim that this group is the only non-racist group in America is ridiculous. You seem to have confused the Ideological definition in your head for the Real World. It is not the Real World.
Inside your head, all Conservatives must be great people who see everyone equally. The record does not support this however and from a scientific point of view, your definitions do not stand up to examination.
Of course, you know this. And it's a waste of time to have to repeat simple things to people, so I was hoping we could skip it, and tried to sum up my criticisms of your argument by simply saying:
that's a crock of ****, Fox.
(P.S. to use numbers/majority to condemn somebody is as unsupportable as to use numbers/minority to dismiss somebody. Could we say that a majority of black people want to be fed, clothed, and supported on the public dole because a majority of black people are Democrats? Or would you say that is a racist and unsupportable statement? (I would)
So now look at your own prejudices re Republicans and white people. The same principle applies.)
I'm not responsible for your racist comments, Fox. There is no data supporting your contention, and your views of 'Democrats' and what we want or desire is twisted to say the least.
I have no prejudices re Republicans or White folks; I have intimate knowledge of both, however, and do not blind myself to the truth as you do.