realjohnboy wrote:
Complicated, Cyclo, but weirdly fascinating for those of us who follow politics on a daily basis. It is all serious, of course, but sometimes it registers as theater of the absurd.
The whole skirmish over the government shutdown on Friday comes to mind. It is small potatoes in the grand scheme of economic things, but egos are on the line, and there will be consequences. Yes?
I believe there will be. It's a very costly thing to try and stop what is essentially a large machine with many moving parts.
News reports tonight indicate that a meeting at the WH brought little or no progress to a potential deal. I read the situation as Boehner being completely stuck: he cannot make any sort of agreement that will pass the Senate, without pissing off a significant portion of his own caucus, many of whom he doesn't really control - they owe him little to no allegiance. This could seriously threaten his position, and worse, if he backs down now it will make him look weak and that will impact their plans of future hostage threats - the debt limit vote next month, and next year's budget. They plan on doing the exact same thing to both and if he blinks here it will weaken their position in these arguments tremendously.
I think the public will blame the GOP for this shut down, in no small part b/c they did the same thing a decade ago, for very similar reasons.