@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:
One of the primary problems with ObamaCare that was not thought out.
As I have said ad nauseum, when you enact a law that provides for huge disincentives for doctors, you will lose many of the existing doctors and discourage new talent from entering the profession. Then when you add 30 million more people to the rolls of those that are now theoretically covered for health care, what results is a simple mathematical example of supply and demand economics. You have fewer doctors available to provide service to a far greater amount of patients. The inevitable result is that costs rise, waiting times increase, and ultimately rationing will occur. Welcome to the beginning of the Obamacare nightmare!
Who wrote this? You are quoting but not attributing.
It's also merely a projection that, I suspect, some right-winger has written. If there's proof that this has occured - present it. Otherwise I give it no credit at all, because the right-wing has been wrong about their economic projections my entire life.
Quote:It also impacts many companies with what is called "minimeds" who provide minimum health care coverage, but with ObamaCare, they would have to shift the cost to low income earners who can barely eek out a living now.
Mini-med health plans suck. They suck for the employees who have them, providing only the illusion of insurance. Those who are currently using them are better off seeking insurance through their state exchange.
Even then, what you say is completely untrue. Companies may CHOOSE to put those costs on their employees but they certainly aren't required to. They could instead choose to make less in profits. You are blaming HCR what essentially amounts to greed on the part of employers.