Reply Sat 19 Feb, 2011 02:03 pm
Are you denying you said it?

Or are you just saying you can't use the search function?
Reply Sat 19 Feb, 2011 02:04 pm
Isn't this about the time you deny you ever said Obama "hates" America?

Then we should get to your argument about how you deny ever saying Obama wants to destroy America.
Reply Sat 19 Feb, 2011 02:07 pm
I've said how many times, please provide the link to the posts you are so wound up about, so that we can hopefully discuss them rationally. Or would you rather continue to niggle for a few more pages?
cicerone imposter
Reply Sat 19 Feb, 2011 02:09 pm
okie, It's not about "remembering every word" we post; it's about consistency, truth, facts, evidence, common sense, and reality. None of us remembers every word we post on any blog. However, you are one of the few who is challenged and proven that you lie, contradict yourself, and don't use any common sense based on history, facts, reason, and reality.

Your opinions sucks, because you lie and say things you can only learn through FOX News.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Feb, 2011 02:11 pm
I've learned okie your games okie..
Unless you admit things first, you will deny them later.

You haven't answered any of my questions and if you don't provide the answers then you will deny you ever said Obama was a socialist. Then you will deny you ever claimed Obama lied. Then you will try to argue that "administration" doesn't mean President. Or you will argue that Democrats in Washington doesn't include Obama. You will weasel as much as you can.

Do you agree that you have called Obama a socialist? yes/no
Do you agree that you have said Obama is trying turn the US socialist? yes/no
Do you agree that Obama turning the US socialist is the same thing as a socialist takeover? yes/no
Reply Sat 19 Feb, 2011 02:13 pm
I've said how many times, please provide the link to the posts you are so wound up about,

I'm not wound up about it okie. I could care less since I already know you are a lying sack of ****. You are the one that seems wound up about it and are demanding I provide a link to something you refuse to admit is yours.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Feb, 2011 02:14 pm
To repeat again, provide the link to the quote that you are so wound up about, and I will discuss it with you, to explain context and so forth and so on. If you can't provide any, then kindly quit wasting everyones time with your constant niggling.
cicerone imposter
Reply Sat 19 Feb, 2011 02:15 pm
Provide your own ****'g link; you're the one who posted them.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Feb, 2011 02:16 pm

Ok.. let's discuss..
Is Obama part of the administration?
Have you argued Obama is attempting a socialist take over of the US?
Have you accuse Obama of lying?

Can you make any valid argument that would not mean you called Obama a virtual traitor in your post?
Reply Sat 19 Feb, 2011 02:18 pm
And last of all okie..
Since you know the Constitutional requirements for traitor, why did you call Obama a traitor? None of the things you accused him are covered under the Constitutional definition of traitor.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Sat 19 Feb, 2011 02:19 pm
Taken from okie's post:
I could be a whole lot more optimistic about the country if we had some adults in Washington that actually loved the country, and that knew how to be responsible and honest, and that would cease their ultra socialist takeover efforts, and that would cease lying to us as a part of that effort.
Reply Sat 19 Feb, 2011 02:22 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Maybe okie was still drunk from New Years and didn't know what he was saying.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Feb, 2011 02:32 pm
parados wrote:
Ok.. let's discuss..
Is Obama part of the administration?
Have you argued Obama is attempting a socialist take over of the US?
Have you accuse Obama of lying?
Can you make any valid argument that would not mean you called Obama a virtual traitor in your post?
Finally something to discuss. Here is the post that Parados linked.

okie wrote:
The following news item epitomizes the current administration. They are unengaged, uncaring, and unadult when it comes to our national security and our freedom and liberty. They are only interested in themselves, their power, self importance, and furthering their Statist and radical socialist agenda. This is not too unlike the Clintons, but Obama is even more focused upon his radical socialist agenda, and he has been able to do more in that direction so far, which makes him even more dangerous to the country than Clinton was.

"Anti-Terror Official Stayed on Ski Trip After Learning of Failed Bomb Plot

National Counterterrorism Center Director Michael Leiter reportedly didn't return to his office post in McLean, Va., until several days after Christmas, and his decision to do so has been looked down upon by intelligence officials"

Now to answer your questions, yes, Obama is part of the administration. I am glad we now have that settled, since parados was so wondering about that.
Second question about socialism, yes, I think Obama is trying to institute more socialist leaning programs into this country. Direct evidence of that is the Obamacare legislation. I don't think this question is even debatable, at least not for most of us in this country. I am surprised that you, parados, are still unsure or unclear about that?
Third question, yes I think Obama has been guilty of lying about a few things.
Fourth point or question, I don't see even the use of the word "traitor" in my post, parados, so I don't think there is any more to discuss about that accusation, at least not in the post you provided.
Are you done niggling now, parados, or is there another post I can hopefully clear up for you, now that your accusations about that have been dispelled and explained?
Reply Sat 19 Feb, 2011 02:41 pm
While the post you quoted is on the same page it is NOT the one I linked to..

Your post is 3867090
The one I quoted and linked to is post 3864170

Try going up from that post to your previous post. I count it 6 posts above the post you just used.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Feb, 2011 02:43 pm
Are you done niggling now, parados, or is there another post I can hopefully clear up for you, now that your accusations about that have been dispelled and explained?

You could clear up this question for me okie -
How can you be that much of an idiot?

CI found the post using my link. Your attempt to pretend my link didn't function is pretty silly.
Reply Sat 19 Feb, 2011 03:03 pm
okie says:
Second question about socialism, yes, I think Obama is trying to institute more socialist leaning programs into this country. Direct evidence of that is the Obamacare legislation.

EVERY OTHER MAJOR COUNTRY IN THE WORLD has some form of single-payer government supported health care system, and they ALL have better public health metrics, longer life expectancies, per patient costs in the area of half U.S. costs, and universal coverage. And their citizens are overwhelmingly in favor of those systems. If that means they are "socialistic", fine. Bring 'em on. I'd say it means they are small-d democratic systems, and U.S, conservative troglodytes should join 21st-century democracy.
cicerone imposter
Reply Sat 19 Feb, 2011 04:06 pm
okie's mind-set is everything Obama does is "socialism." He doesn't understand that most developed countries that are capitalistic economically have universal health care for their citizens. okie's brain is closed, fixed, and un-educable.

okie believes universal health care is a transfer of wealth from the rich to the poor. He doesn't understand that most countries with universal health care have good standards of living (many better than the US), live longer, and are happier.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Feb, 2011 07:40 pm
parados wrote:
Are you done niggling now, parados, or is there another post I can hopefully clear up for you, now that your accusations about that have been dispelled and explained?

You could clear up this question for me okie -
How can you be that much of an idiot?
CI found the post using my link. Your attempt to pretend my link didn't function is pretty silly.
Was gone for a few hours. In all honesty, parados, I clicked on your link, which gave me a small window with the post you are quoting, but when I clicked to enlarge the window, it moved on me, and a short scroll went to the wrong one. Before you get all wound up, it was an honest mistake. Here is the post# 3867090
okie wrote:
ican, happy New Year to you, and for that matter - happy new year to every person here on this forum. I have been away from this forum for the past week, and with time I might review what has been posted, but frankly it is disheartening and pretty depressing to think about this year with the losers in the administration and the Congress that we have to deal with. I could be a whole lot more optimistic about the country if we had some adults in Washington that actually loved the country, and that knew how to be responsible and honest, and that would cease their ultra socialist takeover efforts, and that would cease lying to us as a part of that effort. They are virtual traitors to this country, the country that I thought every citizen should love and honor, but sadly they do not. We have some real work to do, to try to clean house in Washington when the next election rolls around.

Yes, I was pretty pessimistic when I wrote that post, parados. I am still pessimistic, with good reason for it, but slightly less pessimistic after the midterm elections.
The issue of adults in Washington, that was in reference to having an administration and a president with precious little experience to do the job that we need. Regarding socialist takeover, is there any doubt that Obama wants more socialistic programs? Obamacare is a prime example, and Obama admits to wanting single payer government run health care. I think health care is but one area that he would like to change. That is my opinion.

The accusation of "virtual traitors," that is a strong statement, I admit to that, and it is not one that I have used habitually, and not one that I would use now. As I said, I must have been particularly pessimistic that day. However, the use of "virtual" is important, because it indicates almost or nearly, but not proven in actual fact. Here is one definition found on the web: "1.Existing or resulting in essence or effect though not in actual fact, form, or name." So, there is not in my opinion enough evidence to say they are traitors completely, but in my opinion they have done enough damage to the country in terms of the economy, the deficits and debt, and other policies that the country is suffering extremely, there is little doubt about that in my opinion.

I do also believe that the president does not have the same love for this country as previous presidents would traditionally have, and I include other Democrats in that as well. Before you get all wound up in a tizzy over this, understand that this is my opinion, based upon my following of him, reading his book, and reading about his associations. I realize you will not want to hear this again, but I do not believe that a man that loved this country as he should, would kick off his political career in the home of domestic terrorists and Marxists that had been involved in trying to overthrow the United States government at one point. You don't have to agree, but I think my opinion is well founded, and millions of people probably agree. This is heavy stuff, but I am merely expressing an opinion about why I have posted the opinions that I have posted.

I have also expressed the hope in previous postings that there is a chance that Obama might evolve somewhat in his thinking and philosophy, merely by the shear force of the responsibility of being president. There is even a chance that he could become more sympathetic to free markets and more conservative beliefs. Doubtful, but possible, and I can at least hope.

I am a law abiding citizen and simply want to see a responsible government in Washington to manage the government responsibly. I do not think that is happening. As a taxpaying and law abiding citizen, I have the right to express my opinion. You do not have to agree with it, parados.

So, in regard to using the term, "traitor," perhaps I used it with the qualifier "virtual," which does change the literal meaning, and at the present time, I do not think I would choose to use that term at all.
Reply Sat 19 Feb, 2011 08:43 pm
So, there is not in my opinion enough evidence to say they are traitors completely, but in my opinion they have done enough damage to the country in terms of the economy, the deficits and debt, and other policies that the country is suffering extremely, there is little doubt about that in my opinion.

What did you say earlier about the Constitutional definition of "traitor"?

No matter how you want to weasel it okie. Obama damaging the country with debt, deficit or socialism is not treasonous under the US Constitution. Or are you now arguing that traitor is the same thing as unAmerican?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Feb, 2011 08:46 pm
Let me remind you of what you said earlier okie

If you are so intellectually shallow as to not see the difference between words like unAmerican and traitor, then I suggest you become more informed. To be defined as a traitor, there are certain conditions that must be met.

Do you stand by that statement?
0 Replies

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