parados wrote:Quote:You claimed he provided quotes and made me look foolish, but that is not the way I remembered it. I remember it as him as mostly trying to twist what I said out of context.
Of course YOU remember it that way okie. It is the only way you can live with yourself. Otherwise you would have to admit to yourself that you are the lying sack of **** that the rest of us see in you.
First of all, if you cannot talk decently as a mature adult, you might as well bug off, parados. In other words, if you can't grow up, get lost. But if you can have a civil conversation, I've already told you more than once to post the quotes that you are so riled up about, parados. We've already been down this road, and you can waste everyone's time again if you wish to. Provide the quotes that you think will prove you so correct and I will try to explain them to you again. I do not remember every single word I have written here. All I know is - that I post honest opinions at the time I post them, and my opinions might evolve slightly with time, depending upon what we learn from the events as they play out.
Again, if you wish to niggle us conservatives over an over, at least have the decency to provide the quotes that you are so in a tizzy about, and we can go over it again. Otherwise, go back to your "Okie Knows Farming" thread and provide a photo of you and your brother baling hay at the ages of 9 and 10, or of you milking cows when you were 7. Now that might actually be interesting. That would actually prove a liberal in their childhood knew how to work. Oh and I almost forgot, prove a cow barn never has a hayloft, as you claimed. That would be interesting too.