Quote:Even though I grew up poor on a lonely farm. . .
That's the problem: he grew up on a lonely farm. He had no one to play with which is why he lacks social perspective. It also may explain how he came to be valedictorian of his high school class. When he wrote that, I thought, well, number one out of a class of three is meaningless.
Quote:in a state filled with dumb people
The rest went to California. His father probably started working land abandoned by people who never returned.
Quote:I went to school, with the money I earned, learned something, got a good job, a nice spouse, and a decent family.
Here, okie types something he certainly did not intend: he bought his wife and family. Wow! This is one time when I feel sorry for okie.
Quote:What made you into the whiner that you are? Did someone deny you what you think you deserved?
I have a hard time understanding the personification of ci as a whiner. In fact, ci exhibits a great deal more independence than okie does.
The virulence of okie's hatred of liberals is difficult to comprehend. After all, okie was only educated because of what may be considered liberal policies (had his father remained in Denmark, okie's life might have been even better than it is). I have half-seriously said that okie was probably rejected by a liberal or centrist girl and so hates everyone who is center to left, but, for him to use this statement here to ci is lamentable.