Liberals themselves provide the most convincing testimony to the, at best, ineffectiveness of the policies they have designed and implemented to address the needs of the poor and minorities.
The Civil Rights movement in the US is generally agreed to have spanned the period 1954 to 1968.
LBJ's Great Society began its War on Poverty in 1964
You would be hard pressed to find any liberals during this period of time who did not believe that the achievements of the Civil Rights movement and The Great Society were monumental and that if they were not all that was needed to vanquish discrimination and poverty they were major victories and took the battles from defense to offense. It's hard to imagine what LBJ and his fellow liberals wanted for the Great Society that they were not able to obtain.
Let's assume for the sake of debate that there wasn't a single Republican or conservative who supported either the Civil Rights movement or the programs of the Great Society. If so, they were fully the proud achievements of Democrats and liberals. Surely if there was meager politically motivated support, those Republicans and conservatives who provided it had to be dragged kicking and screaming to that position.
Now some 66 years after the beginning of the Civil Rights movement and 46 years after the start of the War on Poverty, we find Democrats and liberals who tell us today that the improvement realized during those decades was so minimal as to be virtually meaningless, or that the situation for the poor and minorities has actually gotten worse!
If this is indeed the case, then either the mid-century reforms and programs have been utterly ineffective or worse...detrimental, or the forces that opposed them (GOP and conservatives) have never been more determined to make the lives of the poor and minorities miserable.
I'm sure there are many who leap to the latter alternative: For the last 50 to 60 years, conservatives have been systematically dismantling the achievements of the past --- despite the fact that successive Republican presidents have supplemented them during this period of time.
The fact of the matter is that for Democrats, and Establishment Minority Leaders, the problems will never be solved...they can't be. They have far too much to lose if the War is ever won.