georgeob1 wrote:
Cycloptichorn wrote:
See my above post - the Dems are going to make that tool a hell of a lot harder to use, in large part because the Republicans have abused the rule to every extent possible.
A bullying approach like that is not likely to succeed unless Republicans also believe some reform is needed.
The Democrats can change the rules on the first day of the Congress with no input from the minority at all. Which I'm sure you will agree is the appropriate action for them to take.
Quote: Given the results of the recent election, I believe we will find that the unity of Congressional Democrats is no longer what it once was. My impression is that a major factor in the public change of heart with respect to the progressive Democrat platform was precisely that all-to-obvious conviction on the part of left wing Democrats that what they wanted was right beyond doubt or correction and that they had some kind of right to impose it on everyone else. These battles, of course, aren't over but the game is profoundly different now.
You are simply projecting your opinions onto the public. Something that you frequently do, but never provide any evidence to support.
Besides. The Dems hold a majority in the Senate, and I'm sure that you agree that it's appropriate and correct for them to use whatever legal means they have to forward their agenda. Right? You regularly advocate exactly this sort of thing.
Quote:Cycloptichorn wrote:
I would remind you that the Filibuster is nowhere in the Constitution and has no basis in history as something that should be respected - at all. The Senate was never intended to work this way by those who created it.
Have you suddenly become an advocate of "original intent" with respect to the Constitution and the operations of our government? If so there are many other direct consequences of that position that I will be glad to explain to you.
No, you wouldn't care to explain them. That would take research and the formation of logical arguments based on historical facts. We both know that you are uninterested in that. So don't blow smoke up my ass.
Quote:The filibuster is what it is and that is an explicitly permissable parliamentary procedure in accordance with Senate rules.
It seems that soon the rules will be changed. It will take away McConnell's greatest tool, and reveal the man for the sham of a legislator that he is.
Quote:Cycloptichorn wrote:
I shouldn't have to point out that the way the minority is supposed to get power is through negotiation and argumentation. Not through trickery
How do you define "trickery"? Is Nancy Pelosi's unprecedented decision to roll up thirteen or so independent government appropriations bills - all of which should have been passed or voted on last summer , but were delayed because they didn't want to face the deficit music before the election - into a single omnibus appropriation in the last days of a lame duck Congress, and then salt it with wasteful giveaways targeted at key members of the Congress in order to lure votes a form of trickery?
I reject your characterization of the situation; it is nothing more than your partisan slant.
Trickery is when the minority uses parlimentary maneuvers to prevent the majority from passing bills. Trickery is when the House Republicans vote to adjourn 6 times a day, every day of the term, in order to 'run out the clock.' Which is exactly what they did. You should realize that the Dems would have liked to get a LOT of this business done earlier, but the Republicans' insistence on making EVERY VOTE take as long as possible prevented them from doing this.
Quote:You are sometimes very self-servingly selective in defining the boundaries of the issues you raise. Not as bad as Parados, who is always slyly (but still obviously) selective in the data he chooses to examine, but bad enough.
I believe that anyone who is familiar with our respective bodies of work on A2K would agree with me that you should examine the mote in thy own eye before casting such aspersions. I never hear a balanced opinion from you regarding the actions of Congressional Republicans; just a never-ending screed about the venality and corruption of Democrats, and praise for every Republican trick possible.
A person who doesn't believe that Obstructionism exists - that believes that it cannot exist - is someone whose opinions on matters of governance are profoundly flawed. You either don't know what you are talking about or consciously pay no attention to Congress at all. In several of our discussions it's become quite clear that you have no idea what the Republicans are doing there, and that you could care less.
What about that says 'I'm a trusted voice on matters of political import?'
You criticize Parados, but the truth is that he provides facts and logic to back up his argumentation. You provide none. Your criticisms regarding his presentation of evidence are laughable in the face your your refusal to provide ANY evidence. I am not swayed, and I doubt anyone here is, by your continual stream of assertions.