raprap wrote:real life wrote:raprap wrote:eoe wrote:JPB wrote:...until she started a regular blessing of thanking God that we have a Christian in the White House. I had to nix the political stuff :wink:
And I'd be the first one to hold her feet to the fire on that one. My S-I-L held the same opinion and I asked her once why she thought George Bush was a Christian? Because he SAYS so??? I added what my mother had always told me. "Action speaks louder than words". And then I left it alone. I've known far too many so-called Christians who aren't even on their best behavior while inside the church so saying that you're a Christian means absolutely nothing to me. I have to see that, by your actions and the way you treat your fellow human being, to believe such a claim.
But I digress...
In general, the only POTUS in the past 50 years that lived a Christian life, is cursed as an example of a failed POTUS by those that call themselves Christians.
Several Presidents have been Christians in the past 50 years.
Jimmy Carter was the first to run for office touting the fact. Perhaps that's why Dems hate Christians so, because although he was an honorable person, he was an inept President and embarrassed them greatly. He caused the loss of the White House for the next 12 years.
Christians are not the only ones who acknowledge Carter's failed performance. Not by a long shot.
Anyone old enough to remember double digit interest rates, rampant inflation and soaring unemployment of the late '70s will tell you what a lousy job he did.
After being touted by the media as unbelievably smart, a master of detail , blah blah (the same things we heard about Clinton I, the same things we used to hear about Clinton II) , Carter showed that he wasn't up to the job.
It was after Watergate, so Dems figured ANYone should be able to win the WH in 1976. They were so careless and 'looking for an outsider' to fix the Washington mess. This led them to send an inexperienced but likable fellow to do the job.
Sound familiar?
'Present' Obama is the new Jimmy Carter -- likable, but inept. An 'outsider' who can fix Washington. And after the Iraq war, ANY Democrat ought to be able to win, right?
From what I interperate you're equating Bush II to the failure of Nixon?
I'm saying Dems view their opportunity in this election cycle as much of a 'sure thing' as they did back then, yes.
raprap wrote:BTW I said "Lived the Christian Life." None of the other so called professed Christians has walked the walk.
Perhaps Gandhi hit yhe nail on the head
Quote:I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.
In your opinion, they weren't consistent Christians.
And you base that on what exactly --
The info filtered thru the press or the time that you personally spent observing their actions?
How do you know if they 'walked the walk'?
In your opinion , Jimmy Carter 'walked the walk'.
But he also left the country in a shambles.
How does that work? Is that walking the walk?
What exactly do you mean by the term and how are you able to measure who does and doesn't?