Born-Again Christians: Most annoying people on the planet?

Reply Sat 1 Mar, 2008 08:36 am
real life wrote:
You heard the man.

He spends time with them because he wants to be left alone. Laughing

And while they discuss their beliefs, (as it is their right to do), I am sure that kicky NEVER mentions his beliefs to them, (to maintain consistency with his stated objection to same).

what a bullshit answer.

talk about being obtuse, real life. kicky doesn't want to have his family leave him alone, he obviously cares for his family and wants to converse with them....except for the area where they push their belief on him.

I don't think kicky mentions his beliefs or lack of, as the initiator of a conversation....his replies to them are in answer to their pushing. I don't remember ever reading a post by kicky saying he walked into their home and spontaniously spouted his beliefs, as the initiator

They are not merely discussing their beliefs in kickys presence, if they did that, and didn't include him, that'd be no problem. They try to convert him, taking action. That's not talk.

What if, whenever they all got together, kicky started seriously discussing his devotion to S&M, telling them over and over how it saved his life, freed his mind, and generally was something he now felt everyone should follow. He could send relatives bondage magazines, and send them emails forwarding vital information on the practice and belief of the mater/slave relationship.

When they object to hearing/viewing all this, he can insist this is really the one true way to go to make their lives complete.

Would you not feel his family would be within their rights to say "We don't believe in what you're saying/doing, but, despite that, we love you. We don't want to cut you out of our lives. We wish that was one subject that you would not bring up anymore when we get together, and stop sending us magazines and emails about it."
0 Replies
Reply Sat 1 Mar, 2008 09:49 am
Re: Born-Again Christians: Most annoying people on the plane
baddog1 wrote:
kickycan wrote:
Their right to practice their belief ends the moment it infringes on my right to be left the hell alone. If you disagree, then I'd like to know why you feel that way.

Let me get this right! You know your family member's beliefs - disagree with those beliefs yet choose to spend time with them anyway - then bitch about their actions.

Is that about right?

In this case, he wasn't spending time with them, he received a book in the mail. Are you suggesting we all write off family members who frustrate us? Absurd.


I am annoyed by fanatics, crusaders, dimwits, lazy people, apathetic people, narrow-minded people, and people with no initiative. Ok, there are others, but they're all along these lines.
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Reply Sat 1 Mar, 2008 04:28 pm
Re: Born-Again Christians: Most annoying people on the plane
real life wrote:
I am sure that kicky NEVER mentions his beliefs to them, (to maintain consistency with his stated objection to same).

I don't. So are you going to answer my earlier question?

kickycan wrote:
Their right to practice their belief ends the moment it infringes on my right to be left the hell alone. If you disagree, then I'd like to know why you feel that way.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 1 Mar, 2008 04:30 pm
Re: Born-Again Christians: Most annoying people on the plane
baddog1 wrote:
kickycan wrote:
Their right to practice their belief ends the moment it infringes on my right to be left the hell alone. If you disagree, then I'd like to know why you feel that way.

Let me get this right! You know your family member's beliefs - disagree with those beliefs yet choose to spend time with them anyway - then bitch about their actions.

Is that about right?

Yes, that is about right. Thanks for playing.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 1 Mar, 2008 04:34 pm
jrnyace wrote:
I'm new here but found this site to VENT my utmost anger towards a EVANGELICAL employee that I cannot stand anymore. I have told him he is in a cult to stop the crap that he spews. He is a hypocrit that lies, steals, and swears f##k this all day. I don't know why I feel so guilty for 3 years of my life now. I want to fire him. He shows up on time and does the work but he is driving me mentally bonkers!!! HELP!!

Glad you stopped in. Venting is good. I don't know how to help you though. Freedom of religion and all that. But if it is spewing his religious crap at work, I'm pretty sure you can do something about it, like fire him. I'm no expert though. I hope you don't have to deal with the idiot much longer. Welcome to A2K.
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Reply Sat 1 Mar, 2008 04:50 pm
Chai wrote:
I'm curious kickster, you mention your dad and brother being born again, but are also respectful and don't pile it on.

Could it be that they are not nearly as religious, but just go along not to rock the boat?

This is a definite possibility. Pretty much all the men in my family are non-boat rockers. Combine that with the zealotry and the strong desire for the women in my family to make sure all the men in their lives are working correctly, and this is what you get.

Chai wrote:
What's your dad like?

He's very easy-going and mild-mannered--a go along and get along type of guy. Like I said, most of the men in my family are like this, including me in a lot of ways.

Gilbey wrote:
Kicky, when did your family become born-again Christians?

What or who made them become born-again?

It's been about five or six years since it all started. They were catholic before this, and just like most catholics, they would go to church once a week and then not talk about it much outside of that. Like rational human beings.

I believe it started when someone decided that they didn't like the church they were going to. Once they found this place, they eventually all get re-baptised and started getting more and more into it. It might also have to do with my brother having kids and his brainless bitch of a wife thinking that this would be good for them.
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Reply Sat 1 Mar, 2008 05:55 pm
So.....IS there any kind of common trajectory for zealots such as born agains?

IS there a big fall-out rate, or do the churches they belong to keep them all razzed up?

There is at least one born again here (on A2k) who does not, generally, go on about it.

Kicky, can I ask why upsetting your aunt is such a big deal? Is it because it would cause a major drama in the family? If so, how long would it last?

If I got such a book from someone I would (hopefully) wait until I was calm, and then send it back with a note saying something like:

You understand her good intention, but that you are very clear about and happy with, your religious views, and do not wish for, or need, any input from her. You have returned the book, as you will any subsequent material she may send, as you understand there may well be people somewhere who ARE interested.
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Reply Sat 1 Mar, 2008 07:11 pm
I think this is the first time I've used you for my signature line kicky. That got a huge guffaw out of me, but it's true.

One thing about catholics, they mind their own bees wax.

Have you ever seen those Christian Supply Stores? I never really thought about it, but one day when sitting at a light I was staring at the sign for one, and thought "WTF are christian supplies, and how do you know when you're running low?" I've gone into them to get various Jesus people I know a small gift (when I couldn't avoid an event where I had to give them something) and good God, I couldn't wait to get outta there. Waaaaaay too happy for my blood.

I went into the cat lick supply place (where you get your oils for extreme unction those barbed wire things you bind around you leg when your mortifying yourself....see, that stuff I understand :wink: ) because I wanted to buy some of those red and blue votive candle holders like you find in church where you pay a buck, and get to fire one of those babies up....anyway, I walk in, the place smells like musty vestments and nun sweat, and I ask the old lady who's sitting at the counter, doing a crossword, where the things are. She points a finger in a general direction and sez "back there" barely looking up.

I felt so comforted. It gave me hope.
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Reply Sat 1 Mar, 2008 07:16 pm
Stinky desperately wants to be Catholic, but has a horrible fear of penguins....

I don't know what to do.


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Diest TKO
Reply Sun 2 Mar, 2008 05:17 am
I once had an ex-girlfriend who got "born again." When we were together she treated me real shitty. He said that jesus forgave her and we should get back together. She followed that with the suggestion that I get "saved."


wait for it...

Okay yeah. That **** did not fly with me. I told her that she didn't date Jesus, so it wasn't his place to forgive you.

It's more than annoying, it's...

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real life
Reply Sun 2 Mar, 2008 09:55 am
Re: Born-Again Christians: Most annoying people on the plane
kickycan wrote:
Their right to practice their belief ends the moment it infringes on my right to be left the hell alone. If you disagree, then I'd like to know why you feel that way.

Well, it's not a matter of feeling, but I'll be glad to answer.

First, I'd like to be clear on what you are asking.

You speak of your 'right' to be left alone.

Are you referring to a 'legal right', (i.e. are you suggesting that they are doing something illegal) ?

Are you referring to a 'moral right' to be left alone?

If so, I would think that a moral relativist would be on sinking sand if he attempted to tell others what their moral rights are.

Let me know exactly what you mean by your 'right to be left alone' , and we'll discuss.
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Reply Sun 2 Mar, 2008 10:17 am
RL, he just wants to have a nice dinner or phone conversation with his family without them trying to convert him. Period.
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Reply Sun 2 Mar, 2008 10:23 am
Really, what I said, while including kicky's love for Spaniards & Mexicans.
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Reply Sun 2 Mar, 2008 01:35 pm
Real life, I don't think Kicky is talking about any particular type of "right", rather, its just common courtesy to not impose your beliefs on people, in an attempt to "convert" them, especially when you know that they don't want you to.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 2 Mar, 2008 03:12 pm
Re: Born-Again Christians: Most annoying people on the plane
real life wrote:
kickycan wrote:
Their right to practice their belief ends the moment it infringes on my right to be left the hell alone. If you disagree, then I'd like to know why you feel that way.

Well, it's not a matter of feeling, but I'll be glad to answer.

First, I'd like to be clear on what you are asking.

You speak of your 'right' to be left alone.

Are you referring to a 'legal right', (i.e. are you suggesting that they are doing something illegal) ?

Are you referring to a 'moral right' to be left alone?

If so, I would think that a moral relativist would be on sinking sand if he attempted to tell others what their moral rights are.

Let me know exactly what you mean by your 'right to be left alone' , and we'll discuss.

See Gilby's comment above. This isn't a political stand I'm making. I'm talking about respecting my wish to not be preached to. Just as a person living in this world with others: Do you think my desire to be left alone on this particular topic should be secondary to the desire of the christian who believes I need to hear it in order to be saved?
0 Replies
real life
Reply Sun 2 Mar, 2008 03:25 pm
Re: Born-Again Christians: Most annoying people on the plane
kickycan wrote:
real life wrote:
kickycan wrote:
Their right to practice their belief ends the moment it infringes on my right to be left the hell alone. If you disagree, then I'd like to know why you feel that way.

Well, it's not a matter of feeling, but I'll be glad to answer.

First, I'd like to be clear on what you are asking.

You speak of your 'right' to be left alone.

Are you referring to a 'legal right', (i.e. are you suggesting that they are doing something illegal) ?

Are you referring to a 'moral right' to be left alone?

If so, I would think that a moral relativist would be on sinking sand if he attempted to tell others what their moral rights are.

Let me know exactly what you mean by your 'right to be left alone' , and we'll discuss.

See Gilby's comment above. This isn't a political stand I'm making. I'm talking about respecting my wish to not be preached to. Just as a person living in this world with others: Do you think my desire to be left alone on this particular topic should be secondary to the desire of the christian who believes I need to hear it in order to be saved?

Thanks for the clarification.

So we're not talking about 'rights' at all.

We're talking about courtesy, which is pretty much in the eye of the beholder.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 2 Mar, 2008 03:27 pm
Chai said...

because I wanted to buy some of those red and blue votive candle holders like you find in church where you pay a buck, and get to fire one of those babies up..

In my day, they used to be a dime...
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Reply Sun 2 Mar, 2008 04:32 pm
ossobuco wrote:
Chai said...

because I wanted to buy some of those red and blue votive candle holders like you find in church where you pay a buck, and get to fire one of those babies up..

In my day, they used to be a dime...

In my day, it was a quarter...

Oy, inflation.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 2 Mar, 2008 04:36 pm
Re: Born-Again Christians: Most annoying people on the plane
real life wrote:
kickycan wrote:
real life wrote:
kickycan wrote:
Their right to practice their belief ends the moment it infringes on my right to be left the hell alone. If you disagree, then I'd like to know why you feel that way.

Well, it's not a matter of feeling, but I'll be glad to answer.

First, I'd like to be clear on what you are asking.

You speak of your 'right' to be left alone.

Are you referring to a 'legal right', (i.e. are you suggesting that they are doing something illegal) ?

Are you referring to a 'moral right' to be left alone?

If so, I would think that a moral relativist would be on sinking sand if he attempted to tell others what their moral rights are.

Let me know exactly what you mean by your 'right to be left alone' , and we'll discuss.

See Gilby's comment above. This isn't a political stand I'm making. I'm talking about respecting my wish to not be preached to. Just as a person living in this world with others: Do you think my desire to be left alone on this particular topic should be secondary to the desire of the christian who believes I need to hear it in order to be saved?

Thanks for the clarification.

So we're not talking about 'rights' at all.

We're talking about courtesy, which is pretty much in the eye of the beholder.

But I would like your opinion on the moral rights aspect of it, if you don't mind. In this situation, where one person doesn't want to hear about Jesus or be saved or converted, is it the moral right of the christian to try anyway?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 2 Mar, 2008 05:43 pm
My family are always giving me crappy books to read, too. It's always some Christian book or some social-Conservative "family values" nonsense. It is really sad because it causes me to be isolated from my family. I love them all very much, but I absolutely hate (HATE!!!) being around them.
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