Oh, lordie, I see I need to pay attention.
And, no, I don't immediately want to cede power to some automaton. But, given I will perform as fool, and have foolish results thereby, would that bring the team down? (I suppose so...) I could go to automatic as/in a learning year.
Well, back after I read Jespah's helpline, and thanks to Jespah.
Osso, my offer is still open, my phone works, if you would only answer yours occasionally...
My gawd, that was awesome, Jespah!
The round-robin weeks mentioned run from Monday through Sunday. You can set your line ups everyday or you can do it all at one sitting (watching out for what players are idle on certain days or which Starting Pitchers are unlikely to be available because of the typical 5 day break between starts). You don't need to monitor this on a daily basis. Injuries and rainouts can screw things up. Setting your lineups for the next week on Sunday should be sufficient.
I would note that, on the pitching side, a complete game (CG) is very rare anymore. Starting pitchers are bred to throw about 120 pitches, which gets them to about the 7th inning. Then some highly paid stud comes in to close. Our head-to-head matchups typically end up in a 0-0 tie in the CG category. I would suggest replacing that, but what do I know.
jespah wrote:Álex Rodríguez (NYY - 3B) He's been #1 for a few years now
No ... not last year he wasn't, which is why he was able to fall to me. Pujols was, I think.
Rockhead wrote:Ima miss Chone Figgins...

I wouldn't worry too much about that. He'll sprain something and spend most of the season on the bench anyway.
Thanks Jes - there's a lot to digest there.
Left, left, right.
right left right left
(just practicing)
jespah wrote:EhBeth and other new folks -- this is gonna be long.
Holy Moly, batman....
Thanks, jes.
reading, thinking, pondering 6 months of paying attention to baseball...
I sent out emails to alx, ehbeth, and RJB. If you guys could just respond to let me know that you got them, I would appreciate it.
JPB... you know you want to sign up. It sounds like a lot of work but it really isn't. I really enjoy following it so I set my line up everyday (and even then it only takes me a couple of minutes each morning), but realistically you could spend 5 minutes every Saturday morning adjusting things and still stay competitive. Remember, baseball is a marathon not a sprint.
Thanks for posting the info Jes!!! If anybody has anymore questions, post them and I will try to respond in a timely manner. Sorry I haven't been available to post more info... these freaking midterms are kicking my butt right now...
Thanks again jpinMilwaukee.
I'm registered: "The Bay Herons"
Just wiped the dust off my glove.
Sweet! Welcome aboard alex.
Hey, great Alex. Welcome aboard. Prepare to be defeated by the Ticomaniacs.
I may have to do this just to beat up Tico.
jpin - I spotted your email - thanks!
(I can't open it from here, but I can see it's there)
soooooo, like, are there wardrobe requirements for this?
ehBeth wrote:soooooo, like, are there wardrobe requirements for this?
The Ticomaniacs all wear the required team uniform.
ehBeth wrote:
soooooo, like, are there wardrobe requirements for this?
You can dress as snappy... or in Tico's case: snake-y as you wish.
The Peameal Females are ready to heat things up.
I don't actually see Alex, ehbeth or maporsche in the league.
I'm there - winkin' at ya.
Registered on Yahoo as belonging to this league? Cool