Well, hello again. We've had no phone or internet for 2 days - can't figure out why, it was clear skies the whole time. Now this morning it's snowing and we have service. shakes head.
FM - vodka

Neat trick. Will pass it on.
McTag - the drill site (where the boys were experiencing their problems) is 10 km from here. It's icy and hard and crusty - no way they're walking in pitch black in the dead of a cold night

I know, you have no idea of the set up here.
Speaking of walking distances, this is a driving one. When my husband and I were staying in Bristol for 3 months, we decided to drive to Wales for a 4 day weekend (climbing Snowdonia). All his colleagues thought we were nuts to drive 'that far' in such a short time. It was only a four hour trip, for Pete's sake
Hey, in Canada, you can't get anywhere without a long drive or flight... we're used to it.
The new Geo is arriving today around lunch. We're having ribs'n'chicken for dinner.
Just heard from the people I'm working for next - delays, delays, delays... I may not be working until end of May or end of June - waaah. Well, if that's the case, I'm going to look for a cheap ticket to somewhere and visit somebody. Any ideas? Who's available for a visit?