A cite from a YahooGroups article:
From: Sarah Blum <sblum@m...>
Here is an example of left wing Antisemitism from a list I am on. This is
very typical today. There is no civility and the anonymity of the net
seems to encourage this explosion of hate - which especially targets
the Jews and Israel. This is just raw hate.
There is a more intense hatred for Jews than prejudice against Blacks.
Many Blacks are also antisemitic. But the left has become a hate bucket
for all the malcontents and miscreants.
I think someone here was in denial about left wing antisemitism. I can
post more examples. The question should be not if, but why so many
hatemongers are attracted to the left in the first place?
From: Joe <fasarius@y...>
Subject: Re: [CCCC-USA] [#] Rachel Corrie and USS Liberty plus other
The attack on the Liberty has been discredited? Because a jew denies truth
does not make it less true. Jews are the quintesential liars and thieves
of the human race and the most violent and vicious, as they feel all
nonjews are less than they are and to be used as chattel. The Liberty was
repeatedly attacked. Its radio messages were ignored or if one believes
the jews they did not hear the messages, RIGHT, the jews did not know
where the ship came from, RIGHT. The pilots did not know who they were
attacking, RIGHT. The jew pilots are capable and willing to kill children
around their civilian targets with the belief they are GODS warriors. The
jews do not want the simple truth of the death of Jesus to be plastered on
the movie screen. The jews FEAR truth, and always have. Anyone with
experience with jews knows they are evil incarnate.