Wed 27 Aug, 2003 09:51 am
We had a good and useful thread going but it got locked off, presumably because some of the comments got intemperate, and personal.
So can we start another one off, bearing that in mind.
My comment today is, the US administration has waded into a swamp in Iraq, taking the British with them, and they haven't got the first idea how to extricate themselves from a situation beyond their control, principally because they insulted the UN on the way in, and the UN are understandably less than enthusiastic now about cleaning up this mess.
It needs more money, and it needs more men, and it looks as though the Congress would not allow that, even if Mr Rumsfeld were to ask for it. So where now? What to do? More troops killed today.
Bush needs to send his Errand-Boy-in-Chief, Powell, to the U.N., prepared to eat crow, and ask for help.
And i ain't holdin' my breath waitin' . . .
More than eat crow. I'd not accept anything less than an apology from the US for the explicit efforts to undermine the UN and through it the world.
That would be nice, Boss, but i don't expect it. Anything which could make this crew get us the help we need would be fine with me.
my question to the Bush "what do we fear from the UN helping with Iraq?
Thanks for (re-)opening part IV, McTag!
Not only 'what does the US fear', but: "why do they fear the UN?"!
Another thing we could, and should do, is to beat the Iraqi landscape for moderate leadership, and help them develop the language, and the courage to use it, in leading the Iraqi people away from the Iranian model of a religion-based, let alone controlled, national political venue. Have these new politicians go out on the stump and give coherent speeches, with accurate and thorough reporting in whatever communication media they can influence. The coalition has not "sold" anything to the Iraqi people. It is time for the concepts, and the vision thing, to be hammered home in a convincing fashion by someone, and hopefully an Iraqi someone, or two, or ten.
First: Chalabi must go. No arguement allowed, no reasoning, he is a symbol to the rest of the world that the council is nothing more than a puppet.
Second, what are Bush and co. so afraid of the rest of the world finding out that they will not allow the UN in? Is it that the WMD claims and al-Quaeda claims were false? That is hardly news. It may be time for a new trend in US foreign policy: Humility!
This is an excerpt from an article that will provide an answer about why the UN is not welcome to participate in anything more than humanitarian aid. And it's from of all places ----Canada. Ah hell I just pasted the whole article it was too good
Iraq is not a place for 'blue helmets'
Frank J. Gaffney Jr.
National Post
Tuesday, August 26, 2003
WASHINGTON - Suddenly, all the "smart people" have an idea for advancing the war on terror while cutting U.S. costs, reducing the burden on overstretched American forces and affording enhanced legitimacy to counter-terrorism initiatives: Seek a new United Nations mandate authorizing an expanded international operation in Iraq.
Notably, this was the theme du jour of the Sunday talk shows, as a gaggle of legislators, retired generals and former officials took turns endorsing such an approach. If only the Bush administration -- and, in particular, Donald Rumsfeld -- were not so hung up on the United Nations, the drumbeat went, the United States could readily secure heretofore absent international support for the occupation of Iraq. Large numbers of foreign troops would become available, without compromising the principle of unified command. And the American taxpayer could be spared the prospect of being solely responsible for an investment of untold additional billions to try to rebuild Iraq faster than Baathist and/or Islamist terrorists can sabotage its infrastructure.
Some of these Sunday morning luminaries cited as evidence of the feasibility of their suggestions a precedent: the UN's authorization for American-led NATO forces to stabilize post-war Bosnia. There is one significant problem with this analogy, however: Iraq is no Bosnia.
There is, after all, an ongoing war in Iraq, albeit one involving less than "major combat operations." Unlike Bosnia, what is involved is considerably more than keeping once-warring factions apart and allowing international bureaucrats to perform open-ended nation-building assignments.
Instead, as the past fortnight's deadly terrorist bombings, infrastructure attacks and serial ambushes of American and British forces make clear, there is an active conflict underway that is taxing the world's two finest militaries. It is not a place for usually well-meaning, but generally not terribly competent, "blue helmets."
If there were any doubt about this reality, it should have been vaporized along with the UN's headquarters in Baghdad. International personnel -- be they military or civilian -- are going to be treated as fair game by those bent on returning Iraq to one form of despotic rule or another (sectarian or theocratic).
In fact, the only hope the United Nations has of being able to perform its self-assigned humanitarian functions on behalf of the Iraqi people is for the coalition forces to succeed in defeating the enemies of a Free Iraq. This should motivate the organization's Secretary-General, Kofi Annan, and every member of the Security Council to support America's efforts to stabilize and secure the country.
Unfortunately, a number of those on the council -- notably, France, Russia and China -- and at least some among the UN bureaucracy appear no more interested in seeing the United States succeed in those efforts than are several of Iraq's neighbours. Coalition officials have charged that Islamists and other terrorists are entering Iraqi territory from Syria (which is, as it happens, currently also a Security Council member), Iran and Saudi Arabia. Presumably, they are being allowed to do so to further these countries' shared interest in preventing a democratic, peaceable and prosperous pro-Western nation from emerging from the ashes of Saddam Hussein's tyranny.
Even if the UN Security Council were actually able -- and willing -- to regard Washington's objectives in Iraq as both compatible with the best interests of the Iraqi people and conducive to those of the larger international community, there is one further reason for not adopting the Bosnia model: The people of Bosnia-Herzegovina seem likely to remain under UN suzerainty for years, if not decades, to come.
The only hope of sparing Iraq a similar fate is by allowing the responsibility for rapidly establishing the institutions and mechanisms for Iraqi self-governance to remain in the hands of an American-led civil administration truly committed to achieving that goal at the earliest possible time.
This is not to say that the United States should go it alone or eschew international help where it can be obtained without compromising the mission or its prospects of early achievement. In fact, the Bush administration is doing neither; it has already secured the support of dozens of nations and is continuing to enlist more on terms conducive to success.
Arguably the most addled advice about military burden-sharing to emanate this week from one of the Sunday morning quarterbacks came from U.S. Senator Richard Lugar, chairman of the Senate foreign relations committee. He would not only like to see an international mandate for operations in Iraq. He would also like one authorizing the deployment of U.S.-led NATO forces into an environment that would, if anything, likely make the Sunni triangle seem tranquil by comparison: The Senator wants American and other Western military units to be used to separate Israelis from Palestinians and to help subdue the latter's terrorist factions.
In fairness to Sen. Lugar, he is not the first to come up with or to espouse this lousy idea. Still, it should be clear that if the United States is anxious to avoid shouldering more military burdens, particularly in connection with difficult, urban campaigns against Islamist and other foes willing to die in order to kill Americans, there is a better option than the one he proposes. A far more sensible division of labour would be to let the Israelis deal with the Palestinian front in the war on terror than for the United States to try to get more help on surely less-than-satisfactory terms in Iraq while strapping on an inherently impossible new task: serving as the protector of Palestinians while conducting military operations against their embedded militants.
President Bush has done the American people and the world a great service by re-establishing a principle very nearly obscured by recent practice: The legitimacy of an American foreign policy initiative derives from its justness, wisdom and congressional approval, not from the vagaries of UN Security Council resolutions. Now is no time to go wobbly on that principle.
Frank J. Gaffney Jr. is the president of the Center for Security Policy
Ah yes, the National Post . . . just to the right of Adolf Hitler . . .
It would be a great report if it only had a base in reality.
just for edification perception could you list for us just what other nations are providing along the lines of support to the US in Iraq? By that i mean what actually support is being provided.
What was a headline of 'The Globe and Mail'?
It's not Canadians who've gone to the right, just their media
The National Post is so American it should come in a holster. Most of its commentators -- David Frum, Mark Steyn, Andrew Coyne, George Jonas, Christie Blatchford, Robert Fulford, Elizabeth Nickson, Hugo Gurdon, Terence Corcoran -- slant right.
I'm shocked by your intollerance for excellent arguments.
Don't forget...we have Iceland on our side! How can we lose with so many friendly blonde women supporting us?
Setanta wrote:Ah yes, the National Post . . . just to the right of Adolf Hitler . . .
Actually, National Post is the only American paper quoted by the "Nationalzeitung", the Nazi-paper here in Germany.
so i assume the National Post is also "fair and balanced"
What a reccomendation!
(Sorry guys, sehr cranky (und Krankheit) today. Fever, chills, headaches, grouchy....will try and avoid answereing certain people today, so I'm not ignoring things, just being careful.)
I can't do that Dys because I'm not there----I must rely on journalists who do go there like Tom Friedman and this guy from Canada.
Like- wise who are you to refute those who do go there---Colorado is "fer piece" from the action.
I think that the Iraq fiasco should be paid for directly by the American top 5% wealthiest !