I lift Hillary high I set her up with a table and I set it, She is the hope for everyone that she Serve's, Police, Military, Fire Fighters. Government, Non government, And Business she will do it well, Where in a spot this world and I am sorry but men have had there chance many men have dune a remarkable job at it. But now it is time for a woman to show her hand in it, A woman is kind if you treat her well, A man force's you to and lock's you up if you are not, A woman has a way of softening the heart's where men want to rip them out. It is time for the woman to show herself and see what she can do. If you never made it to space without fire it is because nobody showed you how if you never tasted milk how do you tell someone what it tasted like. Give her a chance if she fails us then she fails god if she doe's that we are all lost before we ever got of the ground I vote for Hillary r Clinton Her husband will guide her the senators can support her let her have her chance we no' what men can do lets give a woman a chance' you scoffer's and bigot's, I think the ones that do not want her to try are bigots' and womanizer's that use women let the women try!
Me and Susan' Think it is a wast of time trying to find
answer's the" Corrupt world has answered for us."
We also feel it is up to god now' I feel him thinking"
Does McCain think Obama can't beat that? (referring to the video)
Re: The Media Creation that is Obama
Phoenix32890 wrote:I have been having this uncomfortable feeling about Obama for a long time. It came to a head not too long ago, when I was reading comparisons with JFK. As far as I have been concerned, JFK has always been "all sizzle, no steak". He was the first political media darling, and was played up like a rock star.
I reacted when I heard similar things being said about Obama. I was put off by the "groupiness" that I observed on A2K. The adoration of this man was far greater than anything that he deserved. He is being treated as a savior, the person who, single handed, will cure all the country's ills, with verve and dash. He is being presented here as Superman, minus the cape.
Well, now someone has put into words, with what to me was a discomfort that I had difficulty elucidating verbally. Charles Krauthammer, as they said many years ago, is "telling it like it is". I find it very frightening.
Exactly right, Phoenix. And I find it almost frightening to find myself agreeing with Bumble Bee as well.
The media created this Obama phenomena, based on nothing, so now thats what we have, a campaign based on nothing but hype. Obama is probably as surprised as anyone over all of this, but I guess he figures, hey, why not go for it.
Well, gotta hand it to you okie. You're not letting facts interfere with the formulation of your opinion that Obama is all 'hype'. Classic Bushesque thinking. George would be proud.
Snood, you have always seemed like a reasonable man. To be accurate, Obama has done alot of things, but none of these things have been important enough to actually become part of what he is known for. Also, I am looking at his supporters as much as I am him, but I think he bears much of the responsibility of being known mainly for his slogans, simply because he has made those slogans the theme of his campaign. Sure, he has beliefs and accomplishments, but what percentage of people really know what they are. Pretty small percentage I would argue. If he wants to get beyond the slogans, then he needs to quit making slogans the theme and actually start laying out policy details.
Part of the problem also has been the debates where the moderators did not demand details of policy positions, and they spent a large part of the time arguing over who had more experience, who could bring people together, and who could step into the office and do a good job, and other meaningless tripe.
Face it Snood, Obama is pretty much an unknown political figure in terms of what he has done and will do. Its a fact. Perhaps a small percentage of his supporters know what he is about, but the vast majority, no.
What you say is true for any candidate, okie. It's a campaign, therefore there are slogans (like "ready on day one", etc...) and soundbites. He has laid out just as many policy details as any other candidate.
FreeDuck wrote:What you say is true for any candidate, okie. It's a campaign, therefore there are slogans (like "ready on day one", etc...) and soundbites. He has laid out just as many policy details as any other candidate.
True to an extent for any candidate, but nowhere near the scale that this is true for Obama. He is a relative unknown, politically, and we really have very scant information as to how he would govern. Very, very little. It is a guessing game, and a dangerous one I would submit to you.
H2O Man's video is very instructive.
This is amazing.
People can post a dozen links to a hundred pages of substantive, detailed information about Obama's concrete policy proposals -- it doesnt matter.
Obama himself can talk for a full hour on national TV about policy minutiae and detailed plans, like he did after his WI -- it doesnt matter.
Those who say that Obama is all image, no substance will not read a single one of those links, and not hear a single of Obama's substantive points.
But they'll come right back the next day to repeat that Obama? There's just no substance there, nothing.
Why are people so completely unwilling to educate themselves over something that obviously troubles them?
And yes, Phoenix, that goes for you too. There is an immense wealth of info out there that is very concrete and specific when it comes to Obama's policy plans and his legislative experience and achievements so far. It's right there. Soz and others have posted so many links about it.
And yet you'll still come back to post that, hey, I dont know, it just seems that he's this media creation that we dont really know anything about, and thats all image, no substance?
I just dont get it.
If anyone wants to know details of how Obama would govern all they have to do is do what they would for any candidate for office; search it out.
http://www.barackobama.com/index.php Click on the titles to learn anything you want to know; he is full of details of how he would govern.
Talk is cheap, and that is why experience or a track record is important. In the real world, most people get hired because they have shown they can do the job, by doing it somewhere else, or working up the ladder and proving themselves over a period of time, and the higher the job, the longer it usually takes.
nimh wrote:This is amazing.
People can post a dozen links to a hundred pages of substantive, detailed information about Obama's concrete policy proposals -- it doesnt matter.
Obama himself can talk for a full hour on national TV about policy minutiae and detailed plans, like he did after his WI -- it doesnt matter.
Those who say that Obama is all image, no substance will not read a single one of those links, and not hear a single of Obama's substantive points.
But they'll come right back the next day to repeat that Obama? There's just no substance there, nothing.
Why are people so completely unwilling to educate themselves over something that obviously troubles them?
And yes, Phoenix, that goes for you too. There is an immense wealth of info out there that is very concrete and specific when it comes to Obama's policy plans and his legislative experience and achievements so far. It's right there. Soz and others have posted so many links about it.
And yet you'll still come back to post that, hey, I dont know, it just seems that he's this media creation that we dont really know anything about, and thats all image, no substance?
I just dont get it.
Me either. It's kind of the same sort of willful ignorance as contempt prior to investigation, except there's no investigation, just contempt.
They just can't accept this man as a viable candidate. They blind themselves to fact, bury their heads in the sand when opposed, refuse to acknowledge what's right in front of their faces. Gee, I wonder why.
okie wrote:Talk is cheap, and that is why experience or a track record is important. In the real world, most people get hired because they have shown they can do the job, by doing it somewhere else, or working up the ladder and proving themselves over a period of time, and the higher the job, the longer it usually takes.
Your declaration lacks substance, Okie. How can you expect us to swallow the puffy souffle you're serving?
okie wrote:FreeDuck wrote:What you say is true for any candidate, okie. It's a campaign, therefore there are slogans (like "ready on day one", etc...) and soundbites. He has laid out just as many policy details as any other candidate.
True to an extent for any candidate, but nowhere near the scale that this is true for Obama. He is a relative unknown, politically, and we really have very scant information as to how he would govern. Very, very little. It is a guessing game, and a dangerous one I would submit to you.
Not for me, it isn't. I've read enough about him to know what I'm voting for. If you'd rather guess than educate yourself about your choices then that's your thing. Don't put it on the rest of us who have done the research and understand the choice.
I'm reminded of the Simpson's movie... "I was elected to lead, not to read".
FreeDuck wrote: I've read enough about him to know what I'm voting for.
And that's all it takes. Instead of listening to the talking heads and muckrackers on television, who's main goal is ratings and keeping **** going for higher ratings, people should try doing a little research on their own, if they care to. Go to his website, if you dare. Those who still say, after all this time, that they don't know what Obama is about DON'T WANT TO KNOW WHAT OBAMA IS ABOUT and it's really that simple. Be woman and man enough to admit that instead of spouting such old, left-over-from-six-months-ago foolishness. Saying ridiculous things such as this, I still don't know what he's about, makes you sound ignorant and obvious.
I'm not speaking for just myself, but for voters in general. Very very few know what he is about. I know he is left of left, and thats about it. On immigration last night, I heard him say to listen to the people living on the border, and how ridiculous is that? On foreign policy, talk and negotiate with terrorists, how ridiculous is that? On energy, he will stop climate change, how ridiculous is that? And how? Nobody knows, or at least the solutions proposed, it is impossible, that is if you believe CO2 is causing it, which I don't. All of this is so absurd. And I go back to the point that he has little or no track record to prove he is capable of being president. Put all the details in a website, fine, but it tells us not much. If you guys knew great things, you could tell us, but instead you tell us to go read a website.
okie wrote:I'm not speaking for just myself, but for voters in general.
What makes you qualified to speak for voters in general?
Quote:Very very few know what he is about.
On what do you base this assumption?
Quote:I know he is left of left, and thats about it. On immigration last night, I heard him say to listen to the people living on the border, and how ridiculous is that? On foreign policy, talk and negotiate with terrorists, how ridiculous is that? On energy, he will stop climate change, how ridiculous is that? And how? Nobody knows, or at least the solutions proposed, it is impossible, that is if you believe CO2 is causing it, which I don't. All of this is so absurd. And I go back to the point that he has little or no track record to prove he is capable of being president. Put all the details in a website, fine, but it tells us not much. If you guys knew great things, you could tell us, but instead you tell us to go read a website.
What debate were you watching last night? That's not what I heard at all. And why would it be easier or better to read this information from our posts here than to click the link and read it from the source?