Bi-Polar Bear wrote:
post a few if you will
He asked!
JANESVILLE, WI - Following a tour of the Janesville General Motors Assembly Plant this morning, Senator Barack Obama will deliver a major economic policy address where he will lay out his comprehensive agenda to restore economic balance and fairness, reclaim the American dream, and create millions of new jobs.
Obama's comprehensive agenda to restore fairness and balance to the economy and restore our prosperity includes:
· Protecting Homeowners: Obama has proposed a fund to offer direct relief to victims of mortgage fraud and would ease the burden on struggling homeowners by offering a tax credit to low- and middle-income Americans that would cover ten percent of their mortgage interest payment every year.
· Combating Fraud: Obama would institute tough new penalties for those who commit mortgage fraud, and create a uniform HOME SCORE that would allow consumers to compare various mortgage products so that they can determine which mortgage best fits their needs and financial situation.
· Middle-Class Tax Cut - Obama is the only candidate to propose a middle-class tax cut that will provide relief to 95% of working Americans -- $1,000 per working family. He'll also eliminate income taxes for any senior making less than $50,000.
· Affordable Health Care - Obama's universal health care plan cuts costs more than any other plan in this race - it will save the typical family up to $2500 on their premiums.
· Making College Affordable - Obama will provide the middle class a fully refundable tax credit worth $4,000 for tuition and fees every year, which would cover two-thirds of the tuition at the average public college or university.
· Easing the Burden on Working Families - For mothers and fathers who are juggling work and parenting, Obama will expand the child care tax credit for people earning less than $50,000 a year, and he'll double spending on quality afterschool programs. He will also expand the Family Medical Leave Act to include more businesses and millions more workers; and change a system that's stacked against working parents by requiring every employer to provide seven paid sick days a year, so that they can be home with their child if they are sick.
· A Secure Retirement - Obama will require employers to enroll every worker in a direct deposit retirement account that places a small percentage of each paycheck into savings. Workers would be able to retain this account even if they change jobs, and the federal government will match the savings for working families.
· A Credit Card Bill of Rights - Obama will institute a five-star rating system to inform consumers about the level of risk involved in every credit card and establish a Credit Card Bill of Rights that will ban unilateral changes to a credit card agreement; ban rate changes to debt that's already incurred; and ban interest on fees.
· Reforming Bankruptcy Laws - Obama will reform bankruptcy laws to make sure that those who can demonstrate they went bankrupt because of medical expenses can relieve their debt and get back on their feet.
· Rebuilding our Infrastructure - Obama would create a National Infrastructure Reinvestment Bank that will invest $60 billion over ten years. This investment generate nearly two million new jobs - many of them in the construction industry that's been hard hit by this housing crisis.
· Trade that Works for Workers - Obama will end tax breaks for companies who ship jobs overseas and give breaks to companies who create good jobs with decent wages here in America.
· Millions of New Green Jobs -- Obama's energy plan will invest $150 billion over ten years to establish a green energy sector that will create millions of new jobs over the next two decades - jobs that pay well and can't be outsourced. He will also provide funding to help manufacturers convert to green technology and help workers learn the skills they need for these jobs.
Senator Obama's comprehensive agenda to restore fairness and balance to the economy and restore our prosperity can be viewed in full (PDF)
Barack Obama has been fighting for the needs of working Americans for over twenty-five years. He began his career in the shadow of a closed steel mill on the South Side of Chicago, where he brought a community together to provide job training to the jobless and set up after school programs for children. In Illinois, he brought Democrats and Republicans together to expand health insurance for 150,000 children and parents, and he led the fight to provide $100 million in tax relief for working families and the working poor.
I grabbed that because it was on the front page. I was on my way to this:
Just click "continue reading" for each one.
Or I can keep spamming up the thread with copies and pastes -- will do so if Phoenix wants me to.