Foofie wrote:[
Are you claiming that if a Jew is "most kindly intelligent and helpful" they are not truly a Jew?.
I am claiming that if a man was standing in front of Hitler, and he was in every way the kind of man that Hilter would want to be part of the cause, but he was a Jew, the only thing that would matter to Hitler is that he was a Jew. That is a racist. Race matters before all else. For an extreme racist like Hitler race is the only thing that matters.
In America with all of our races this is a most unhelpfully way to view people. Those who pat themselves on the back about how multicultural they are are racists as well, just less extreme. The people in their lives are picked at categorized by race, and then I am expected to listen to them talk about how evolved they are. I would be more impressed if they picked the best people as friends and lovers, what ever the race labels were.