LOL, Sealpoet. I have a teenager of my own, so I try to keep track, but usually I'm lost
i have absolutely no clue as to what my kids are saying or talking about. none.
I tend to ask my son what some things mean and then am sorry I asked
Still -- all things considered -- teenagers are probably easier to understand than Bostonians.
<ducks and runs for cover, zigzagging>
LOL Merry. You could be right
I saw on the news that the last of the Bulgah clan is about to fahhll.
Oh well. So much fuh Boston pahlitiks.
I had a wick-ud pissah time in my cah when I did a U-ey at the rotary. After the fatal accident, they cremated me and sprinkled my ashes at the rotary at Fresh Pahnmd just like I wus Jimmies on a Brigham's Sundae.
Hey ragman, long time no see.................
Bahstahn politics... at least theys gaht bettuh morls'n the Bahston Ahchdiosis.
Gezzy - that is great - how'd I miss this thread for so long?
Hey there Ragman :-D I haven't seen you in ages. It's nice to see you here.
They Littlek :-D Great to see you as well.
Hey Gezzy, how are you doing?
I'm hanging in there. Thanks for asking. I've been keeping a bit to myself these days, but I'm ok.
Did you get a chance to speak with any mutual friends about Robin?
I did speak with a few people. I didn't know that many people that knew us both, but I was happy to talk with the ones who did. Yesterday I was thinking about an old boyfriend of mine from 20 years ago and I decided to call him. For some reason I've been stuck in the past lately thinking about old boyfriends that I should have hung on to, etc... I was suppose to marry this guy and I blew it because I was only 18 and I liked to party at the time and he was looking for a more laid back girl. He was gorgeous 20 years ago and he looks even better now. He was never big on partying and took very good care of himself over the years.
Anyway, I called him yeasterday and he was so excited to hear from me and that cheered me up quite a bit. We spent almost 2 hours on the phone talking about old times and I asked him if he'd like to come up here and visit sometime. Well, to my surprise, he said he'd love to come up. He's a real wilderness addict and he'd love it here. He's a real Grizzly Adams and is out in the woods every chance he gets. If he does come up, I'll be sure to take some pics and send them your way. If you think my cousin is cute, wait until you see this guy ;-)
Oh my! Good for you Gezzy! That took a lot of courage. I believe you've mentioned this guy before on abuzz, right?
I know that you knew him well 20 years ago, but make sure you make arrangements for a visit safe.
I'm not sure if I mentioned him before. You might be thinking about the ex that I was looking for recently. I never did find that one. I might have brought this one up before, but I'm not sure. I saw him about 5 years ago and he looked better than he did when we were going out :-D This guy is a very nice guy and never once did he ever look at another woman when he was with me. I sure would love to spend some quality time with him. I will be sure that the visit is a safe one ;-) and a pleasant one. Now that I've settled down and became the kind of woman he likes, I could really use someone like him in my life right now. Unfortunately, I know he wouldn't consider moving up here because he wants to stay close to his mother and siblings, but even a few visits a year would be refreshing ;-)
;-) A little is better than none :-D