Sure Roger. I'd love to hear it. I bet its wickid pissah :-)
I'd luv ta hea it Roga as I'm dhucking....
You betta be duhkin Mikey boy because things a be flyin. I tink Roga went hopin in da sack, so we hafta wait till anoda time for his butaful story. You know what I'm sayin?
I tink it"ll be whicked pissuh to hea when he comes bhack. Ya tink so Gezzy?
You can take us out of Boston but sorry folks.
I tink so too Mikey boy. Roga is one cool cookie!
There was only one bit that I could understand without the glossary - bang a U-ey.
In Oz, it's "chuck a u-ey"!
You people shor do tork funny! and that aksent! Yikes!
Ain't no accents heah. Weah just tahkin the kingz English.
We wicked enunciate and everything.
Ah this tahka pahstah so's weah havin' rigawtony tonight. With gravy.
Oh, yeah. Scrod
Seems there was this businessman that flew into Boston. Not you average business man though. When this one flew into a new part of the country, he always sampled examples of the local cooking, and had long heard about a Boston seafood dish called scrod.
Engaging a taxicab he headed into town, and on the way, asked the cabbie if he knew of a good place in the area to get scrod. The driver admitted some expertise and took off. But after passing several attractive seafood restaurants, and moving into progressively seedier parts of town, his fare became doubtful of his driver's knowledge.
When asked, though, he assured his client that he knew every decent place to get scrod in town, and was taking him to one of the very best. Stopped for a light, he turned around and said "You know, buddy, I bet I've been asked that question a thousand times since I started driving this hack and ya know what? You are my very first fare to ask it in the pluperfect injunctive."
On the south show-ah (south shore)
they- usta be a sto-ah (there used to be a store)
called sto-ah fawty fo-ah (called store forty-four)
Do you like Hah'witch po'et? (Do you like Harwichport?)
Roga whut a good one dat is, I wus watin all friggin day hea fu it.
JJorge I wus in Hahwitchpot tuhday at the lumbah yaahd
wickud small wuld huh?
All a y'all don't make a heck of a lot sense to me but then you are yankees and all.
Yuh gutta be sum kinduh suddena tuh be tahkin like dat Joanne. Oh my gawd, anotha one pikuhn on us. lol
Heh, heh. Mikey, ain't it just like a Texan to talk about the way other people talk?
Yeh Rogah, ain't it sumpin, I gutta rell yah.........
I meant 'tell', I shuuda figad dat out by now.
Cudda bin wus. 'm out heah bout halfway btwin Woostah an Fichbuhg...
Clin'n. (Spelled Clinton) Gotta cupla Clin'n townies in heah...
Heyha Sealpoet, I wus in Clin'n 2 weeks agoh. Smahll wuhld ahn't it?
Who's momma Joanne?
Maybe Bawstn calls it Hahwichpoht... maybe Down Main-uz call it hahwich poht.....but townies call it hahwich poet! ;-)