I have to luck at all on them scratch thingies.
Hey Lavadawn, dis was way fahhh ago yuh know whut I mean. Back in da late ahhhh....60's, early 70's.
Them scratches makin munny f' the' comm'welth like nuthin else...
Mikey... whut brung ya ta Clin'n? Last I hud you dint even hahv a cah!
Whuddyah meahn Seal? I guttah cah and a truck...friggin rumahs.
They just won't let me drive them yet.
One Bostonianism nobody has mentioned yet. Spa. A spa, in Bostonese, is a mom-and-pop variety store. Ain't many of um left.
Margo -- Maj. Winchester's accent on MASH is, if anything, understated.
Oh, the spa. Do they still have those thingies?
Yuh, they still have spahs. Whuddyah think this is?
I live in the boonies, whattaya espect!
They're bein crowded out by such furrin innovations as the Stoah Twenty-Fouah and Seven-Eleven, though. Have a tonic from the spa.
That's it! I'm not visiting the US of A. I thought that, at least in Boston, I'd be able to understand someone. Seems I was wrong, again!
It's all too confusing! Here we don't have accents at all!
I recall some years ago, a friend of mine was doing the US medical exam for graduates of non-US medical schools. He was fine with the medicine, but the English exam really killed him. He just couldn't understand the reading from the very southern lady. And he was an English graduate. He decided they didn't speak English over there!
Well, Margo, should you decide to visit Boston, I can assure you that you'd have no difficulty understanding me at all. One of the advantages of having acquired English as a second language is that I can speak it quite properly. 'Course it depends on whom I am with. When in Bahstin, I can sound just like a Bahstanian. When I'm down in Phoenix's neck of the woods, they think I'm a good ole boy. (That's an expression one of our Southern correspndents can explain to you.)
Oh, btw, can I ask a treendous favor? Could you, pretty please, change the color of your posts? I find it incrediblt hard to read that pink stuff unless it's been blown up extra large.
What exactly are "Bostonians?"

There's been some scientific research done on that, c.i., but I believe the jury's still out.
I think the jury will be out for a good long while.
Waiting for more envelopes before they decide on a verdict no doubt.
margo, I second Andrew's suggestion. Have mercy on these old, senior's eyes, please!

It's really not that bad. We are really running with it here, just having some fun. You would have no problem understanding the people in Boston as long as they are not teenagers. The teenagers in Boston today have their own lingo and I can't even understand them, lol.
Teenagers everywhere have their own lingo... I thought you remembered that.