Amigo wrote:Foofie is a reverse anti-semitic. Is there a name for that yet?
It's very......sick.
No. Foofie knows the score, relative to a good percentage of other people's beliefs. Society socializes us with many beliefs, if your not aware. It's really a form of brainwashing.
So, why should I play the game and want to endear myself to most people, knowing they might be false friends at best?
But, in my own opinion, that I adopted from listening to people with my background that lived in Europe pre-WWII, and they saw the attitude many people had towards Jews in many countries, the United States is like another world. In other words, in my opinion, many Americans may not love everyone, but many don't have the deep prejudices that Europe had for centuries. American society, I believe, is just more fluid, more flexible, while European society has the mores of centuries that is just different. Why must I like Europe, and Europeans? I don't dislike them, I just don't care for them. It's a preference, based on the existence of Americans.
To me, Europe has a smugness about its sophistication, that to an American, like myself, it just seems so pompous. I'm talking about the culture. People are individuals naturally.
By the way, a reverse anti-Semite is a philo-Semite (philo=to like), but that's not what you were looking for. The reason there's no word for what you were looking for is because only the majority gets to define words. Minorities, and their likes or dislikes, are of no consequence to the language of the majority.
Also, why is there, what appears to be, a mass delusion that Jews should not have strong feelings for the years of anti-Semitism that continues in some countries? Is there a naiveness amongst the collective Gentile (White) culture that Jews are like lap dogs, and as soon as they aren't kicked, they jump into one's lap? The "feelings" I'm talking about is not a "reverse anti-Semitism," since anti-Semitism manifests itself against Jews for no other reason than Jews are Jews. What I'm talking about is cause and effect: centures of either overt persecution, or a milder social pariah status, and therefore, a Jew with a brain just may not want to be every Gentile's friend. Does a Gentile have to be every Jew's friend. I think not.
In other words, while there are quite a few American Jews that will not buy a Volkswagen, or take a vacation in Germany, I've just extended that attitude to include Europe. That's based on my belief that Europe has a collective guilt for the Final Solution, since the Nazis couldn't have done their atrocities, if centuries of anti-Semitism wasn't part of the popular culture in so many European countries.
When I take a vacation it is in the U.S.A. Some people in the U.S., as Americans, might just find me a little amusing, or a novelty, but no overt distaste. There's a difference. That's why I like to copy the pledge of allegiance from Wikipedia:
The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag: "I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.", should be rendered by standing at attention facing the flag with the right hand over the heart. When not in uniform men should remove any non-religious headdress with their right hand and hold it at the left shoulder, the hand being over the heart. Persons in uniform should remain silent, face the flag, and render the military salute.
Get it? When there's an America to pledge allegiance to, why should I be bothered by Europe and making nice to a continent that, in my opinion, understands that the Holocaust "was wrong,"but damn it if I ever heard any
remorse in anything I've heard or read.
P.S. It's now 8:33 p.m. Friday night, so I'm secular, and my family was in the U.S. as early as the 1880's, so my feelings do not reflect any loss of family. It's just my feelings as a student of history.