Quote:She told me that her friends teases her by pairing me with her. And, she doesn't like it.
So :
- she values her new friends opinion
- she won't stand up for you
- she pushes you aside because of her new friends opinion (in other words, she's embarassed to be seen with you)
- but she wants you to be her secret friend, not displayed to the public.
(note for below : unfortunately there is no tactful way I can think of saying the stuff below)
Sadly, to my way of thinking - she has placed you on the bottom wrung (whatever her protestations) of importance. You have accepted being placed there. What message does that send her about : what you think of yourself, how much you value yourself, your level of confidence...and how she can treat you?
My opinion - There may be other things to like about this girl, but her behaviour in this aspect should for you rule out the possibility of an intimate relationship (for many, it would be the end of the friendship itself). Certainly for most girls, your behaviour (that of you accepting her giving you the lesser status tag) would rule out the possibility that they would consider an intimate relationship.
She may be nice in other respects, but personally I would walk away (if and until she decides that you're worth being seen in public with).
My opinion is there is no chance of any intimate relationship (nor long term successful relationship) should you not do so.