Frank Apisa wrote:
Oops, no, no, no. I am neither a leftist nor a liberal. I am an iconoclast.
Main Entry: icon·o·clast
Pronunciation: -"klast
Function: noun
Etymology: Medieval Latin iconoclastes, from Middle Greek eikonoklastEs, literally, image destroyer, from Greek eikono- + klan to break -- more at CLAST
Date: 1641
1 : one who destroys religious images or opposes their veneration
2 : one who attacks settled beliefs or institutions
- icon·o·clas·tic /(")I-"kä-n&-'klas-tik/ adjective
- icon·o·clas·ti·cal·ly /-ti-k(&-)lE/ adverb
Main Entry: van·dal
Pronunciation: 'van-d&l
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin Vandalii (plural), of Germanic origin
Date: 1555
1 capitalized : a member of a Germanic people who lived in the area south of the Baltic between the Vistula and the Oder, overran Gaul, Spain, and northern Africa in the 4th and 5th centuries A.D., and in 455 sacked Rome
2 : one who willfully or ignorantly destroys, damages, or defaces property belonging to another or to the public
- vandal adjective, often capitalized
- Van·dal·ic /van-'da-lik/ adjective
Main Entry: prop·er·ty
Pronunciation: 'prä-p&r-tE
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural -ties
Etymology: Middle English proprete, from Middle French propreté, from Latin proprietat-, proprietas, from proprius own
Date: 14th century
1 a : a quality or trait belonging and especially peculiar to an individual or thing b : an effect that an object has on another object or on the senses c : VIRTUE 3 d : an attribute common to all members of a class
2 a : something owned or possessed; specifically : a piece of real estate b : the exclusive right to possess, enjoy, and dispose of a thing : OWNERSHIP c : something to which a person or business has a legal title d : one (as a performer) under contract whose work is especially valuable
3 : an article or object used in a play or motion picture except painted scenery and costumes
synonym see QUALITY
- prop·er·ty·less /-l&s/ adjective
- prop·er·ty·less·ness /-n&s/ noun
Frank Apisa wrote: I consider American conservatism to be one of the most disgusting philosophies ever espoused by humans.
Please post your definition or description of the philosophy of "American conservatism".