If only!!!
I have the balcony from hell.
It is situated in a crevice between my building and its rear fire stairs.
So....it has walls on 3 sides.....the outlook is on the 4th, very narrow, side.
It faces west.....this means it gets only indirect light until mid-afternoon, when it gets blasted. The west is also where the wind comes from. It is also noisy, as I live on a main road.
One of the longer sides is all windows and doors...leading from what was my bedroom, and is now my study/library/second sitting room.
Its ceiling is composed of the floor of the one above, (of course) with all the pipes and girders etc.
So far, all that has survived this toxic position, are my two nice Baby Ben Ficus Benjaminas (in really big pots, so they can get pretty big.) Even they are subject to a lot of pest attack.
At the very front I have coaxed a geranium to survive.
It is all painted a very light grey, with metal balcony rail.
The outlook is very pretty.
So...it is likely to be more a restful outlook than in a lot of use...except when I have guests...especially when they smoke.
So far......I have my lovely old ornate teak carved doors (Indian or Indonesian, I think). These currently rest against the long wall opposite the windows...but I am moving them to the rear, short wall...where they will be more commanding.
On layby I have a similarly ornate old teak bench, still with some of the bright paint these things are covered with where they come from adhering to its legs and back.
This will go against the long wall opposite the windows, and I have a pair of gold Buddha wall hangings (now weathering nicely) and one of a Hindu woman copied from a temple, mimicking the old temple stone to hang above it.
A couple of water features will go under the windows....and I have a few little carvings to scatter around.
I have a couple of pots at the front...one will be used to see if I can grow herbs, the other is the brave white geranium.
I also hope to paint the "ceiling" some dark very matte colour, so the pipes etc disappear to some extent (though it is a high celing so it's not too awful) and the walls an exterior lime wash...likely in rather ethereal blue and perhaps green? I need light colours to reflect the light.
I also want to put up some kind of blind to shield it from the worst of the summer sun.
The piece de resistance is always the goddam cat litter tray, which the goddam cat prefers to her indoors one, and which I remove when I have visitors.
I have tried various ruses to hide this behind, along with the outdoor broom and the gardening tools, but all have looked like crap.
I like those wooden tile things, but the other lovely thing about my balcony is that it gets scads of dust...which is peculiarly black and sticky from the highway, so all hell would build up beneath them, and they would be very hard to clean.