sozobe wrote:Oh, you went to a rally!! That's awesome.
Tell me all about it!
Tell ya? Hell, I'll do better then that!
It was on the UC Berkeley campus (where I work) and there were about 500 people in attendance. This pic is actually before it got at all crowded. Mostly college students though there were some community activists and organizers present and a large contingent of our regular anti-war and anti-torture protesters as well.
The event started off with musical entertainment by some of the members of Blackalicious who had written several songs just for the occasion. One of the best and most progressive rap groups out there, Blackalicious has a very positive message so I wasn't surprised to see that they are strong Obama supporters! This is one of many rallies they have appeared at.
They got the crowd pretty fired up. Speaking at the event were some local Obama organizers, Dean Chris Edley from Boalt Hall law school (where I work) who had a great speech about how he used to teach Obama at Harvard law, and said he was one of the most intelligent people that he had ever met. Dean Edley's wife is a Senior Advisor to Hillary, and he said he's been sleeping on the couch lately.

The tall fellow behind him was the MC of the event and may I say that he has a future as an announcer, quite gifted and great at exciting the crowd
We also heard some local writers and activists speak, including Craig from Craigslist. That guy was actually really good, b/c it turns out that he's been a Republican for most of his life. He gave a pretty passionate speech about how for the first time in a long time, he thought he could trust and believe in a politician. He said it made him feel better about himself as a person, that he could have this kind of hope in gov't again. Inspiring!
There were some guys from a local advertising agency holding up big Obama signs. They did all sorts of tricks with them and it was actually quite entertaining. I spoke with them, and they had come out on their day off to support Obama, working for free.
The event only lasted about an hour, and wasn't anywhere near the size of most of the rallies I've seen and read about. But it was important to us. I've never done this before. Never shouted a politicians' name till my throat hurt, or put in time and effort to see him elected. That's what Obama means to me - finding a better part of myself.