sozobe wrote:
This isn't Florida but on the general subject, my F-I-L is interested in Obama -- now -- which I see as a really good sign. He's voted Republican for as long as I've known him but says he thinks Obama is a good guy. (Hated Gore, hated Kerry.)
Mom, the former John Bircher, changed her registration in PA so that she could vote for Obama. She's a bit of a nut, but she was taken by the fact that he seemed to be talking to her like an adult and telling the truth.
freeduck wrote:talking to her like an adult and telling the truth.
dangerous thinking, truth is not the american way, it's not patriotic.
Also, I meant to say this earlier, sorry about your thread, soz. I saw it tanking and was torn between trying to stop it and letting it burn out without fuel. Unfortunately, there is always plenty of fuel.
New York Magazine
seems to have some inside source about what happened with Obama's attempt to win John Edwards' endorsement: apparently, he blew it.
I cried when I read this letter from Alice Walker... I wish it could get some national exposure.
Thanks, Blatham and Butryflynet: I appreciated the NYTimes review and have always loved Elizabeth Drew. Alice Walker brought me also to tears.
Very nice piece by Alice Walker.
I read that, too!! Very touching...
FreeDuck wrote:
Mom was taken by the fact that he seemed to be talking to her like an adult and telling the truth.
Except when he said he didn't know his pastor preached those things publicly from the pulpit for 20 years.
Except when he said that his pastor 'acknowledged' that his remarks were 'offensive'.
What, in your way of thinking is productive about repeating this over and over in any thread Obama is mentioned?
real life wrote:FreeDuck wrote:
Mom was taken by the fact that he seemed to be talking to her like an adult and telling the truth.
Except when he said he didn't know his pastor preached those things publicly from the pulpit for 20 years.
Except when he said that his pastor 'acknowledged' that his remarks were 'offensive'.
I mentioned that mom is a bit of a nut, so it should come as no surprise that she actually agrees with Rev. Wright -- even his more outrageous statements. She is of the same generation. So no, this pathetic attempt at catching him in a lie goes nowhere with her.
Brutal, but some good points:
Quote:The Tall Tale of Tuzla
Hillary Clinton's Bosnian misadventure should disqualify her from the presidency, but the airport landing is the least of it.
By Christopher Hitchens
(That was in reference to April Fool's silliness -- all the avatars had just changed.)
"Cash-strapped Clinton fails to pay bills"
Quote:If she had paid off the $8.7 million in unpaid bills she reported as debt and had not loaned her campaign $5 million, she would have been nearly $3 million in the red at the end of February.
By contrast, if you subtract Obama's $625,000 in debts and his general-election-only money from his total cash on hand at the end of last month, he'd still be left with $31 million.
It's not like I needed further convincing but Obama's Disability Policy Statement is just lovely:
Other than the mandated paid sick leave policy and some inflated numbers it's not bad.
nimh wrote:New York Magazine
seems to have some inside source about what happened with Obama's attempt to win John Edwards' endorsement: apparently, he blew it.
Elizabeth denies it (or at least part of it):
Quote:Elizabeth Edwards Says Endorsement Not Likely Soon
In two television interviews this morning, Elizabeth Edwards denied a recent New York magazine report that claimed she and Sen. Barack Obama argued over his health care plan when he visited her home in North Carolina. She also said Obama was "charming" and not "aloof" as the article claimed.
Edwards also said that it's unlikely either she or her husband will endorse a candidate before the North Carolina primary and will instead probably just "vote privately." She also suggested she and her husband may not vote for the same candidate.
On the contested Democratic primary fight, Edwards also said she does not believe continued fighting is bad for the party.
Doesn't necessarily mean much, would be upping the ante a lot if she confirmed it or did anything but deny.
Nora Ephron on Hillary:
Quote:Don't get me wrong, this primary election has been swell. Like Michelle Obama, I feel proud of my country for the first time in a long time. I loved Dennis Kucinich, and I had a big sneaker for Chris Dodd. But now that we're down to two contenders, it's turned into an unending last episode of Survivor. They're eating rats and they're frying bugs, and they're frying rats and they're eating bugs; no one is ever going to get off the island and I can't take it any more.
(Interesting stuff about why she used to love Hillary and doesn't anymore, though.)
(Can you tell my kid's at school for the first time in two weeks? Getting caught up on a lot of stuff. Most of these finds have to do with work.)