Good one, ehBeth! You're right.
Shewolf, alright, I'll call you later.
CJ: I'm too direct to haunt anyone
Am I the only one to notice the small flying horse on the wall behind Eva?
Does that count as a ghost?
That's Eva's personal unicorn - just lost the horn in transit.
Mame wrote:
Shewolf, alright, I'll call you later.
Why do you never call me, Mame?
Upon further examination of the above photo, and studying the expressions on the faces of dys and johnny, one wonders if Mame is removing her shirt.
because mame is behind Dys' head...
Or wait--- was that Shewolf removing her shirt?
Ahhh.... everything is so clear now.
CalamityJane wrote:Why past tense?
Because now I have seen the light. I am ok now.
I don't understand the question.
Well, Gus, maybe there is no help for you if you can see the light but not understand the question.
Is that why you didn't come to Albuquerque? Or is it because you are too involved in swamp things?
Would you understand if we asked you to come to the next ABQ Roundup?
Pretty please?
Diane, don't bother. I've come to the conclusion that Gus is a spy and we all know spies cannot let on to others who they are. They must remain incognito, alone, distanced from the rest of the population forever. Eventually their alienation and isolation renders them weird and disturbed, where they often comment on irrelevancies or carry on their own random conversations irrespective of reality.
That does explain a lot about Gus, does it not?
Hope that explains why I never call you, Gus.
There are many times when I prefer to remain incognito--mostly because I love to see and say the word,"incognito."
Anonymous just doesn't do it for me.
Gus, you pick the camoflauge you prefer to wear and we will have it ready for you if and when you decide to let your friends see your face.
And you don't have to talk to Mame if she has broken your heart irreparably. [size=7]But you won't be able to resist[/size].
Diane, I don't think Gus has a heart to break irreparably. He's an incorrigible flirt!
I think he has good reason to stay anonymous, and the flirting part is rather
nice, don't you think? At least we can flirt with him and don't have to fear
him standing in front of our door one day. He's innocent fun!
I don't see you flirting with him, CJ... you're usually bashing him

Yes, he's fine just the way he is, whatever that is.
its because he is a famous movie star!!!
We couldnt handle being in his presence..
I mean.. he DID father brittneys 4th child

That's probably right, shewolf.
Mame, I don't know how to flirt.