Quote:@vikor.. Ive asked for specifics already but her answer to that is "I shouldnt have to give you times and dates and exacts. You know when you are not treating me well. How about all the time" And I would be like "WTF"?? All her answers sre just too cryptic! The last time I tried initiating she said "Do we have to go through this again tonight?" And I stopped and we went to bed.
Hi Playa,
If she doesn't give you specifics, how are you to know. Two points : you can't read her mind to know specifically what she is talking about, and you certainly wouldn't be asking if you already knew.
In regards to her answer - does she want to help you understand or not? And does she want the problems solved or not?
If I may make an observation - you have given up without receiving the answers you need.
The answer to "Do we have to go through this again tonight?" "We have never gone through it", or "I would like to understand why you feel I treat you wrong, and I have never received the information from you about my behaviour that I need, to be able to understand your view", or "You have told me that I treat you wrong, yet not given me an example. I honestly don't know where I'm going wrong, and as it is your perspective I'm trying to understand, I need you to give me solid examples where I can see what I am doing wrong. This hasn't happened yet." etc
Of course, if she just has no interest in the relationship, this discussion doesn't have much purpose...but (from my perspective) it is always good to run things out to their natural conclusion...so that if you do have to leave, it can be done without regret (or at least have the regret minimised to the best possible level).