@bohne: I know that they are her friends and that I really shouldn't expect too much from them. Anyway... I still cant help shake the feeling.
@bill: yes I do work. I work shifts so that is why I have so much time on my hands to do the housework. Sometimes I get home at 8 in the morning and will do the housework before I go to bed; wake at 5 to pick little one up from daycare; start dinner and clean kitchen; after dinner go to work. I have more time to do these things than she does. As soon as she gets home from work it is: eat; have a smoke; a bath; bed.
@sully: been there... done that... She reckons that I shouldn't think that just coz I am taking her away for the wknd or take her shopping etc that Im gonna get lucky.
@swimpy: I can just echo what jane is saying... she always has an excuse about going for counseling or, according to her, she is not the problem... its ALL me apparently
@jane: I am done begging... Im kinda just waiting it out now! Not waiting for sex but waiting for this to blow up. Its gonna happen sooner than later... I think
@noddy: she is always saying that she is not happy in the marriage and that I don't make her happy anymore. She has brought up divorce a few times but I would argue that. I am done arguing it now and I am kinda secretly thinking about it.
@beth: i don't think he knows. Also I don't think that she is really that tired. Its just a convenient excuse not to sleep with me! ... at least according to me
If she was SO tired then she wouldn't go out with her friends when she does get the opportunity to have an early night! Plus she is in bed by 9 - 9:30 every night. I only go to bed at about 10:30 after I've done the dishes.
@kitty: the guy she befriended, was a her old job. She left that job after we got married and had the baby. You know what p!sses me off most about this is that after I found out about the guy, she would still meet with him for lunch breaks at work.
She even suggested that she introduce the two of us and I would see that he is a "great guy". Up till today she still hasn't apologized for the affair.
I think this woman is driving me crazy!!!
@ALL: i know that she is taking me for granted. I hope and pray that we can make it work for the baby's sake at least! don't get me wrong... I don't intend staying in a marriage just for the sake of the child. I strongly believe thats the worst thing to do to a child!
If only my parents thought this... then my siblings and I wouldn't have to go through our parents going through a divorce at age +50...
Would have been easier to have gone through it at lets say age 12...
Thanks for the ears peeps... Helps to hear different opinions and solutions!
PS: I am not trying to make my wife out to be the villain and myself out to be the victim. But this is really; honestly what it is like at home. My older sister, to whom we are both very close, has already picked up on my situation and has said that as much as she loves my wife, I should rather leave her and try and find someone who is going to appreciate me and the things I do more than my wife.
I don't know anymore!!!!