Does anyone do this? Have you tried it? It's fabulous.
There are lots of sites claiming ricidulous things out there, like it will "suck the wax out" and it will do all these amazing things for you with immediate results.
I don't believe a word of it. You'd need super suction to suck the wax out and that would damage your ear.
But I do believe that ear candling is relaxing and can help your body do what it does naturally. The heat softens impacted ear wax, allowing your body to get it out. And the whole process is incredibally relaxing.
The smoke and heat also dry up moisture in the ear helping to get rid of ear aches.
I just ordered some more and hubby and I are going to have an ear candling night. Baby goes to bed, some nice music, low lights and the soft crackle of the ear candle. Ah....

I can't wait.
Really, though, if you havn't tried it, you should. Even if it's only for the purpose of relaxation. But be careful. It is burning and you can't do it alone. :wink: