Oh dammit, a fresh problem!
My spellchecker has stopped working.
There may or may not be a connection, but this has occurred following the latest Windows automatic update, yesterday.
My spellchecker no longer works on A2K nor on a number of different online sites I usually frequent. (I've checked)
I just rang Microsoft Australia tech support & they advised me that the problem is not with them, as the spellchecker on
Outlook Express still works. (Which BTW way was an addition supplied by Microsoft, after I contacted them a couple of years ago, when the
Microsoft Office Home & Student didn't contain an English spellcheck function.)
Anyway, according to Microsoft's advice this morning, the spellcheck problem I'm experiencing, is not their responsibility. And that it is with the online sites I frequent. They suggest I contact them (including the ABC news, the AGE newspaper, the Guardian newspaper, etc, etc

) & inform them that
their spellcheckers are not functioning. When they were, a couple of days ago.
To cut a long story short, any useful advice on how to restore may spellcheck, anyone? I'd be grateful if someone could assist, as I'm rather stumped as to how to preceed from here.
I'm using Windows XL, Microsoft Office Home & Student & Firefox 3.6 at the moment, if that helps.
If this is all too difficult or messy for you, I fully understand.