Roberta wrote:
There is one upside. Since my memory is going, I can watch some reruns on tv and not remember them. It's like watching a whole new show.
Roberta - Ha! I'm like that with books. I'll get one from the library, start reading it, realize it's familiar, but don't remember what it's all about, so happily read it through. Then I say, "Oh yeah,
that's what happened!"
The only physical thing I've noticed is my eyesight (which was always 20/20) is a little worse. I bought some 150+ glasses for my one-year-younger sister's b'day last year as a joke and, when visiting her one time, realized to my horror that
I needed them
CI, I would never have guessed that you were 72 and tiring. The way you sped around SF, you moved as if you were at least 10 yrs younger. I hate to think of what your energy level was before! You're amazing.
BPB - you're going through an awful lot right now and you know it'll get better. Just hang in there. I believe in an afterlife, too, but I am positive it'll be better

This world doles out a lot of pain, even to lucky people.
The worst thing I've got to say about getting older is all the people you lose. In the last two years, we've had 7 family members and several good friends die. Ouch.