Why Every Woman Should Carry a Gun

Reply Mon 24 Dec, 2007 07:24 am
Engrave Happy Holidays on your hollow points.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 25 Dec, 2007 01:37 am
edgarblythe wrote:
OmSigDAVID wrote:
edgarblythe wrote:
I hope omsigdavid receives a nice round of therapy for Xmas.

This is very typical of leftist thought
concerning advocacy of preserving and implimenting
the right of survival of violent attack:

that there is something rong, or insane, with the reasoning
of being prepared to put up a good fight against predatory evil.

It seems that liberalism ( the essence of whose being is DEVIATION from truth )
is in partnership with evil and chooses to preserve n protect its brothers who serve evil
( i.e., predatory criminals ) from the wrath of their victims.

( I know that a leftist can say that it is a matter of degree,
that I am too redundant in referring to this issue.
I call attention to it, in this forum and in other fora.
It is worth attention. )


I believe in protecting myself, which has nothing to do with
your extreme paranoia.

Ed, I have NO enemies.
It is very clear to me, that NO ONE is out to get me,
nor following me, nor has that ever happened.

( Well, except for one nite, when someone put a round into my driver 's side window. )

My own security concerns have already been taken care of for years.
I don 't know how u get paranoia from that.

My interest is in having my fellow American citizens be as well armed,
in their own defense, and in securing the foundation stone of a society
based upon radical self reliance and libertarianism, rejecting collectivism.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 25 Dec, 2007 02:01 am
farmerman wrote:
I see Dave is making his chalk outlines in a festive red and green. Maybe we should tell the police chalk outline people to do the same. Itd spread so much hloiday cheer.

I knew a story about a guy up in berks County who always talked about his guns(he did own a lot of guns, hed spend lots of money on guns).He had guns guns and more guns, each one bigger and better than the last. He talked about his guns at the barber shop, at the coffee house, at the feed mill, and at his office (he was an insurance broker). Everybody knew about his guns. Many of his guns were collector guns that were locked in a fire proof nailed down vault room and in a special collection area.
Once upon a time, some very bad men (I assume it was men because I dont hear of women doing this very often), came into his house with a mig welder and stole all his visible guns and then using the mig welder , basically wrecked his house to unconnect the vault room and they chained it with his own tractor and pulled the vault right out of the house with a big John Deere. Then they went to work and unwelded the whole room and stole all his treasured Civil war guns and rare pistols,(many of which had calibres that were quite unique)
The man was unconsolable. For months and years he had an investigator searching for his guns on the market and Federal agents were involved. But , they never found his guns and this man was abroken man. He became a shell of his former gun owning self. SO THEN , What is the moral of this story??

You should always have more than 2 hobbies , so that if something happens to one of them you dont feel real bad.

and, when your target shooting, always be aware of your surroundings so you dont hurt anything or anyone.

Nice post.
I hope that its not a true story; too sad.

The same can be said for collecting classic cars.
I collect old gold and silver coins.
( I also have a bank vault. )

I agree about multiple hobbies.
I have had long term interests in constitutional jurisprudence,
Vertebrate Paleontology, Astrophysics
and the reconciliation of Quantum Mechanics
with Einstein 's Relativity found in Membrane Theory in 11 dimensions
( the latter interest not being as long term as the former,
the math thereof having been fairly recently worked out ).

I eagerly join in wishing everyone a very MERRY CHRISTMAS,
and in hoping that all of your needs of self protection will be non-existent !

0 Replies
Reply Tue 25 Dec, 2007 02:07 am
edgarblythe wrote:
Engrave Happy Holidays on your hollow points.

I 'll go with a cheerful MERRY CHRISTMAS !
0 Replies
Reply Tue 25 Dec, 2007 02:16 am
TTH wrote:
When I practice, whether it is indoor or outside,
I always wear ear protection.
If I ever have to use my gun inside my house,
ear protection wouldn't even concern me.

I recognize the merit of Gunga 's point concerning good aural health.
However, the acoustical properties of indoor environments vary.
To some extent, such textile materials such as carpets and blankets
that might be found in a bedroom, can contribute to reducing
the aural effects of unsuppressed gunfire.

In any case,
I must believe that STOPPING POWER is the predominant criterion
in dealing with a predatory indoor emergency.
Its not enuf to kill the bad guy; u need to keep him off of u.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 25 Dec, 2007 04:15 am
The Florida woman was only using a .22
0 Replies
Reply Tue 25 Dec, 2007 09:50 am
Merry Christmas Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Tue 25 Dec, 2007 10:01 am
vikorr wrote:
The Florida woman was only using a .22

I know;
( to that fact, u can add that more lightly calibrated guns can have larger magazines ).
However, the lighter calibers are less reliable
for getting the job done
; note that after her gunfight,
she upgraded to a .38 revolver.

When I was 8, I won a .38 revolver in a poker game
with some other kids in my neighborhood. I still have it,
but some years thereafter, when I learned a bit more
about the relative merits of stopping power,
I upgraded to a .44 revolver and loaded it with hollowpointed slugs.
In my considered opinion, this represents optimal stopping power in a handgun.
( Superior ammunition appears just beyond the technological horizon of available firepower. )

As an acquaintance of mine put it,
the armorer of the Suffolk County, NY Police Dept.:
" If I shoot someone [ which he DID ] I don 't want him to die tommorow.
I need him to fall down dead NOW. "

During the Phillipino Insurrection, around the turn of the 1900s,
American troops were being attacked at nite,
by doped up Moros. Thay emptied their .38 revolvers into the Moros,
who obliged by perishing from their wounds, but first thay did a job
on the American troops, with their machettes.
Some older veterans remembered the benefits of the old .45s that thay
had used in earlier years, and re-employed them to good effect
against the doped up Moros.

The same story happend in NY in the 1960s.
I read in the NY Daily News one day of some police who chased
a derelict into an alley. He turned around, broke a glass bottle
and charged at one of them, who emptied out his .38 revolver
into the charging derilect, who died from his wounds,
but first he jabbed his broken bottle into the officer 's neck,
to fatal effect.
The moral of the story is:
its not enuf to KILL the bad guy;
u need to STOP HIM, and keep him OFF OF U.

Q.E.D.: your earthly life may depend on that.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 25 Dec, 2007 11:56 am
OmSigDAVID wrote:
edgarblythe wrote:
OmSigDAVID wrote:
edgarblythe wrote:
I hope omsigdavid receives a nice round of therapy for Xmas.

This is very typical of leftist thought
concerning advocacy of preserving and implimenting
the right of survival of violent attack:

that there is something rong, or insane, with the reasoning
of being prepared to put up a good fight against predatory evil.

It seems that liberalism ( the essence of whose being is DEVIATION from truth )
is in partnership with evil and chooses to preserve n protect its brothers who serve evil
( i.e., predatory criminals ) from the wrath of their victims.

( I know that a leftist can say that it is a matter of degree,
that I am too redundant in referring to this issue.
I call attention to it, in this forum and in other fora.
It is worth attention. )


I believe in protecting myself, which has nothing to do with
your extreme paranoia.

Ed, I have NO enemies.
It is very clear to me, that NO ONE is out to get me,
nor following me, nor has that ever happened.

( Well, except for one nite, when someone put a round into my driver 's side window. )

My own security concerns have already been taken care of for years.
I don 't know how u get paranoia from that.

My interest is in having my fellow American citizens be as well armed,
in their own defense, and in securing the foundation stone of a society
based upon radical self reliance and libertarianism, rejecting collectivism.

I know a guy, paranoid schitzophrenic. He spent six years in a legal contest with his ex wife. In the beginning, she had him pegged as just that. As they continued the struggle, he learned from each failure, caused by the known facts concerning his mental stability, until he was able to give just the right answers. Then he found a new lawyer and won his case. He is today no less paranoid schitzophrenic; he just hung in with great persistance, until he outsmarted his ex wife.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 25 Dec, 2007 01:09 pm
I rather doubt that David is paranoid schizophrenic.

From what I've seen, he doesn't exhibit conspiracy theory, although he does think the govt is trampling over his rights, and he doesn't think people are out to get him, although he does think there are evil people out there and that he should always be prepared should one come after him.

Please excuse me David, for talking about you in the third person - and if anything I say is wrong, it is just my perspective so far:)
0 Replies
Reply Tue 25 Dec, 2007 03:19 pm
vikorr wrote:
I rather doubt that David is paranoid schizophrenic.

From what I've seen, he doesn't exhibit conspiracy theory, although he does think the govt is trampling over his rights, and he doesn't think people are out to get him, although he does think there are evil people out there and that he should always be prepared should one come after him.

Please excuse me David, for talking about you in the third person - and if anything I say is wrong, it is just my perspective so far:)

You may be right. He may just have an overly aggressive nature. Without the power of a Hitler, he might be reduced to ranting on the internet.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 25 Dec, 2007 04:48 pm
edgarblythe wrote:
vikorr wrote:
I rather doubt that David is paranoid schizophrenic.

From what I've seen, he doesn't exhibit conspiracy theory, although he does think the govt is trampling over his rights, and he doesn't think people are out to get him, although he does think there are evil people out there and that he should always be prepared should one come after him.

Please excuse me David, for talking about you in the third person - and if anything I say is wrong, it is just my perspective so far:)

You may be right. He may just have an overly aggressive nature.
Without the power of a Hitler, he might be reduced to ranting on the internet.

Notice how when leftists refer to tyranny,
thay ALWAYS, always refer to Hitler, NEVER
do we hear them refer to Stalin, as an example of abuse of power.

Leftists are pleased just to let that slide,
and not to notice that.

Libertarians notice it anyway.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 25 Dec, 2007 04:53 pm
edgarblythe wrote:
OmSigDAVID wrote:
edgarblythe wrote:
OmSigDAVID wrote:
edgarblythe wrote:
I hope omsigdavid receives a nice round of therapy for Xmas.

This is very typical of leftist thought
concerning advocacy of preserving and implimenting
the right of survival of violent attack:

that there is something rong, or insane, with the reasoning
of being prepared to put up a good fight against predatory evil.

It seems that liberalism ( the essence of whose being is DEVIATION from truth )
is in partnership with evil and chooses to preserve n protect its brothers who serve evil
( i.e., predatory criminals ) from the wrath of their victims.

( I know that a leftist can say that it is a matter of degree,
that I am too redundant in referring to this issue.
I call attention to it, in this forum and in other fora.
It is worth attention. )


I believe in protecting myself, which has nothing to do with
your extreme paranoia.

Ed, I have NO enemies.
It is very clear to me, that NO ONE is out to get me,
nor following me, nor has that ever happened.

( Well, except for one nite, when someone put a round into my driver 's side window. )

My own security concerns have already been taken care of for years.
I don 't know how u get paranoia from that.

My interest is in having my fellow American citizens be as well armed,
in their own defense, and in securing the foundation stone of a society
based upon radical self reliance and libertarianism, rejecting collectivism.

I know a guy, paranoid schitzophrenic. He spent six years in a legal contest with his ex wife. In the beginning, she had him pegged as just that. As they continued the struggle, he learned from each failure, caused by the known facts concerning his mental stability, until he was able to give just the right answers. Then he found a new lawyer and won his case. He is today no less paranoid schitzophrenic; he just hung in with great persistance, until he outsmarted his ex wife.

This is an example of the Fallacy of the Poisoned Wells.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 25 Dec, 2007 04:59 pm
vikorr wrote:
I rather doubt that David is paranoid schizophrenic.

From what I've seen, he doesn't exhibit conspiracy theory,
although he does think the govt is trampling over his rights,
and he doesn't think people are out to get him, although he does think
there are evil people out there and that he should always be prepared
should one come after him.

Was Leon Trotsky paranoid, in Mexico ?


Please excuse me David, for talking about you in the third person -
and if anything I say is wrong, it is just my perspective so far:)

That 's OK.
I 'm a big supporter of Freedom of Speech.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 26 Dec, 2007 06:49 pm
Just to add a refresher to the topic...

I don't know a single person that owns a personal firearm, apart from my parents neighbors who own a shotgun to clear his crops of rabbits or any other pests. So I fear not in regard to my own personnel safety in regard to firearms.

My question would not be, why doesn't everybody have more firearms (thats like saying "why doesn't every country have its own nuclear arsonel") instead I would ask why so many brutal shootings occur in the first place, because if you think that more guns is going to solve this flaw in your societal structure then the basis of your hypothesis is swayed by your personnel conjecture, and not taking into consideration the greater consequence of such drastic measures in the introduction of the means for those who wish to express their personal agitation by way of murder and mass shooting.

I do believe however, that people should have the freedom to bear arms, but the consequence of that is that it allows killing power of great magnitude to get into the hands of people that may not be entirely stable. But like any decision that effects so many people theres always the ones that ruin it for the rest of us, as is the case for alcohol and drug use in general.

David replying in reference to my comment concerning the reason why so many shootings occur in the first place.
Because man is a predator.
He always has been since he came into existence.
Hence, counter-predatory precautions are very advisable


Previous Thread, why another was made I have no clue

If is indeed true that the reason so many shootings occur is down to human nature, then would it seem apparent that either
a) The reason so many shooting occur in the usa is because psychologically the vast majority of the civilian populace have not evolved sufficiently to tend there institutionally suppressed mindsets during past wars and/or depressions in which we are only recently seeing the long term effects, one of those effects being paranoia, complacency and seeming loss of apathetic acknowledgment toward fellow men/woman.
b) The current social climate does not fairly tend to the required needs of the mid to lower classes, causing a rise in crime due to the neglection of the state to tend to their nessecities in the face of a weakening dollar, rising living costs and disproportionate increases in personal income.

If your statement held any truth at all, then, it would become absolutely clear to me that where I live we have some how been able to shed our predatory "stone age" mind sets of kill and be killed, your statement is truly showing your neanderthalian nature and your ability to see no further than the length your barrel.

A growing trend I have noticed is the complete and utter inability for one on these forums to take these issues at all seriously. Mabee it is simply understood that there is absolutly nothing we can do to better our societies, complacency and ignorance among populous will cripple any community (large or small, democracy or communist) in the face of economic, social, resourcial, military pressures that inevitably will tear society as we know it limb from limb unless we do something.
Personally I dont think we as humans are intelligent enough to save ourselves from the many dangers that threaten our society.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Jan, 2008 08:41 am
Home invastion caught on tape. What would you do?

NOTE: If you have to call 911 to save your life from a criminal in your home, it's probably already too late.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Jan, 2008 10:06 am
Serial killer hunting women (again) in Daytona Beach.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 9 Jan, 2008 08:58 pm
What is an ideal gun for a lady ?

S & W has some yummy looking ladies.

What else is good ?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 9 Jan, 2008 09:10 pm
OmSigDAVID wrote:
S & W has some yummy looking ladies.

Shocked Are they all 38's?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 9 Jan, 2008 09:13 pm
Intrepid wrote:
OmSigDAVID wrote:
S & W has some yummy looking ladies.

Shocked Yeah, but do they have any good guns?

I know that we can rely on u to subject this issue
to empirical verification and report back to us.

0 Replies

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