Most of you know who French is, but for those of you who don't, he is a guy I use to work with, who I fell for.
Frenchy lives with his girlfriend so he's not available, so that was that, other than the fact that I couldn't shake my feeling for him.
I was laid off from my job 9 months ago and handn't seen him since then, right up until monday and I've been an emotional mess ever since.
I've done everything in my power to avoid seeing him because I knew it would hurt, so I avoided going into town at times I thought he could be there, etc....
Mom and I go out Monday to do some shopping and as we were walking out, along he comes. We said hi to eachother and my stomache instantly went in knots. Of course he had to go and park next to me just to make sure I saw his car in case I missed him. He's always liked getting my attention
Anyway, I've been in a bit of a mood ever since and now that he knows I do my shopping on Manday, I'll have to change my shopping day <sigh>!