This touches on a bugbear of mine - I work with a lot of content created in Word that I have to turn into html. It amazes me how many professionals don't even know about heading styles in Word let alone list formatting, autonumbering and paragraph properties. I always use word with hidden chars showing - EVERYONE hits the return key to space paragraphs. I have a macro shortcut that automatically turns two successive carriage returns into one. Most hit return until they get a page break.
It's such a joy to format a 40 page document turning all the bold 16pt lines into H1's.
I've seen theses with manually maintained tables of contents - so any editing in several hundred pages that moves a page break means the entire TOC has to be changed.
When I first got here I worked as reference librarian - and we had a fair 'mature age' cohort. I remember almost breaking into tears helping a new student in a bridging course who after doing some 'word processing' exercises. Student had come to the desk to see what was wrong with Word because every subsequent change to the text (font substitution, replacing a word) meant they had to redo all their work again.
I was confused but it didn't take long to see the first exercise was center aligning the text. She'd used the space bar to get each line to display in the right place.