georgeob1 wrote:Blatham does indeed presume (as he concedes) that the current political leadership in America - "45 degree right rudder"- requires that the liberal voices here far outnumber conservative ones and that they are entitled to be more shrill and doctrinaire than others in denouncing what they don't like.
I definitely did not read anything of the latter in his post: it sounds like projection. The first, yes - about the "outnumbering" - he did make a point about that. That point was about using global rather than American standards on left-right when determining bias of this board. Though I sympathise with the position of a few brave conservatives battling off legions of Bush-haters, I also think it's perfectly reasonable to point out that, in global terms, its not "the left" outnumbering "the right", at all - its the "center" (folks like, say, Craven, Walter, Thomas, Kara, Steve etc) outnumbering both the right (you, Timber, Scrat, McG, Sofia, etc) and the left (Tartarin, Blatham, Lola, Dys, me, etc). (Mind you, thats a VERY relative/flexible/sketchy categorisation).
And from that - just as reasonable - point of view, there aint all that much of an imbalance here, at all. The tragic thing is that the fiercest debate will centre around the mid-focus of
American politics - say, GWB - and then, of course, with both the center and the left turning against his few sympathisers, things can get unreasonably unpleasant for the latter.
georgeob1 wrote:I find the too frequent and too emotional presumption of righteousness on the part of some liberals here one of A2k's least attractive elements. (There is some of this on the right as well, but not nearly so much).
You only think so because you agree with those on the right presuming righteousness. (Duh)
I'd say - my subjective POV - that there aren't all that more liberals doing so than conservatives - to just adopt the US standards for the moment again. Yeh, there's enough of them to go round - but that in itself, considering there are so many more of 'em, doesn't say much.
georgeob1 wrote:In one paragraph Blatham gives away a particularly relevant element of his bias.
"There are two different things going on here. There is discussion and ideas forwarded/read as a means to better comprehend the world. There is also the goal, held with varying degrees of seriousness, of trying to 'beat' the opposition. Again, the context here is American polarity."
I guess the implication is that there are two groups - those (like Blatham) attempting to better comprehend the world, and then there are those victims of "American polarity" who wish only to beat the opposition.
I'm left wondering why you'd guess that, at all, since its not what he said, as far as I can tell. Way I'd read it, I assumed he meant that all of us tend to engage more or less in each thing. Most of us I'm sure came here for the "discussion to better comprehend the world" - and most of us tend to get caught up in "trying to 'beat' the opposition". Some more than others, and the whole thing is definitely spoiling the fun.
georgeob1 wrote:It is likely impossible to have a meaningful political discussion on these or any like issues without occasionally annoying one another. (It is even concievabe that I have done that myself.)
Well, cant speak for others but you've never annoyed
me so far! I've sometimes violently disagreed with what you were saying, but I've never been annoyed about how you were saying it. So there you go - it
is possible.
georgeob1 wrote:In a perfect world Timber would not have publicly scolded PDiddie; he instead would have done it in a PM. However Timber is usually quite restrained and considerate here
Wouldnt have said anything about it if it were a one-off thing rather than a pattern.
Heard from 4 people now saying, 'yeh, thats what I've always felt, too', resp., 'that needed to be said'. I dont really feel like taking this up as some cause or something. But I've called people on something like this before, and never before got that kind of reaction. Lets just say that apparently, its not just that I'm crazy or something - there really is a more widely felt underswell of "complaints concerning Timber's overall style of interaction", to paraphrase his post on PDiddie. Food for thought, I'd say (but probably in vain).