timberlandko wrote:Next, among a small number of similarly credentialled others, you yourself have been the occasion of a disproportionate number of member complaints concerning both individual posts and your overall style of interaction, and have been the subject of considerable Administrative discussion.
Oh Timber you really must be joking in seriously suggesting this as your answer to PDiddie's post.
First off, the administrators have again and again, I understand, formally agreed that should a user violate any of the standards of discourse A2K maintains, he should be called on it and possible action should be taken against him by personal communication and by personal communication only.
You are the only moderator who persistently continues to use a kind of abstract, on-board reprimanding, despite the objections of other moderators to this behaviour.
It is wrong because it involves no objective take or criteria. Either someone has crossed the limits, and the moderators agree to act against him - or they agree not to, because they think he hasnt. Thats clear and fair.
But you are the only moderator to then go beyond that and "reprimand" individual members publicly, on-thread - and do so in general terms, not specifying what they supposedly said wrong exactly where, just kinda showing your baton so to speak. Do so even though apparently, they didnt actually do anything yet that your fellow-moderators agreed required any formal action. (Ya haven't done it to me yet, but to enough others).
In short, you're the one crossing the line here, not PDiddie.
Thats particularly amazing considering the post you were responding to. Namely one in which he actually called you on
your style of posting. Now its childish enough for any member to go "well-you-do-it-too-and-youre-worse"ing in reply to a complaint, but to insert the weight of "administrative discussion" to that for effect surely takes the biscuit.
But I'm being unfair - you did respond.
timberlandko wrote:I'll freely admit I sometimes respond sharply. I understand that bothers some folks, obviously you among them. Maintaining civil discourse does not oblige one to conceqal one's displeasure or disapproval; it is merely necessary that one not express that displeasure or disapproval inappropriately.
Right - and I think that was exactly the point made - that you do it "inappropriately".
I for one - unsurprisingly to you I'm sure - agree wholeheartedly with PD that stuff like ..
Quote:simple to see, to anyone not wearing Bush-Bashing Blinders [..]
Now if you want something for "Your Side" to crow about [..]
but then, none of that matters to some folks ... mostly the folks who've already opted themselves out of reality, prefering instead to live in an ideologic fantasy world of imagined ills.
is not - how shall I say it ... exactly an example of "maintaining civil discourse".
Its all petty, resentful, patronising, disrespectful snides - of the kind that crop up in your post on a near-continuous basis.
Now its one thing to face, say, Scrat's sincere outrage once in a while (to name just a random poster) - we all get angry sometimes, and (s)he really seems to do it out of passion when (s)he feels strongly about something. But the matter-of-course way in which you sprinkle your every other post with your persistent patronising snides is perhaps one of the most single most unpleasant things to face on Able2Know. No - it
is the single most unpalatable thing on A2K, post-Italgato - to me in any case. Thats why I'm going on about it.
For any poster to behave like that is bad enough - hey, whatever, some of us use the board to vent or act out our anger, its a free world, you dont have to always be
nice. But you combine it as a matter of course with picking up your, "I'm the moderator speaking here" hat for some hearty "A2K administration" preaches to
others on civil discourse. It's just rarely that one sees you do it in
consecutive posts like this - and still, I'm absolutely sure, all in good faith and without even being aware of any inconsistency.
I mean, I'm actually somehow convinced that you really are not even
aware that what you're doing is so rude. In fact, ironically, its your own particular brand of rudeness that would keep you unaware about it. After all, if any of us should complain about it (again), you'll just do your, 'aw shucks boss, I'm jus' trying to keep up a civil conversation here, you know I always try to be fair and balanced and objective -- and if any of you liberal bush-bashers are really too blind to see that, well ... i cant help that, really'.
<shakes head in exasperation, sighs, gives up - again>