cicerone imposter wrote:Some of that "real story" include some soldiers going AWOL. The majority of reserve troops in Iraq are very unhappy with their situation of their prolonged service with no end in sight.
Can you cite for me the last US engagement anywhere where no troops went awol? How about the one where all the troops were happy to be away from their homes and families? Where are the stories about how happy the troops are that are still in Bosnia? How many have gone awol from Clinton's little experiment in regime change?
You try to pretend that if we can show negatives the positives don't matter. That's garbage. As with the economy, you focus on the negatives because you don't like Bush and seem to hope for the worst so that you can justify your dislike for him and his policies.
AND PLEASE (everyone) don't give me that tired crap that I'm pounding the "GO BUSH" drum. There are a lot of reasons I am not happy with his performance as president, they just happen to be different than your reasons. (For starters, my reasons are rooted in fact and reality, not feelings and Internet rumors.) :wink: