You thinkin' back to last year's Longshoreman's strike CdK? That screwed up shipping world-wide. Those containers on the docks, and pn containerships off-shore, and the ships themselves, were "Out-of-rotation". Some vendors and manufacturers resorted to airfreight just to keep things moving. That in turn kicked up aitfreight rates. It wasn't untill about February everything got back to normal.
As for US imports, they well could suffer due to the dollar decline ... not really a bad thing overall from an American Production point of view, as long as the impact can be absorbed by the world market ... otherwise, both Asian and European GDP recovery will be hard pressed to continue apace. Should the dollar threaten to break above about 1.25 to the Euro, or 1 to 105 Yen, you might expect some serious dollar-buying and Euro and Yen dumping to occur.
Oh, and Tart, I'll agree that Big Business does its part to enable illegal immigrants ... which is outrageous. Agribusiness is in there too, and so is the Casual/Temp Labor industry. And walking right along in lockstep is the politically correct notion that illegals are entitled to the same rights, privileges, and care as are accorded to citizens. Untill it is effectively and enforceably overidingly inconvenient and cost-inneffective to employ illegals, grant them other than critical emergency medical care, or otherwise to enable them, the problem will remain. This WalMart thing is prolly just a blip, but I'd really like to see a vigorous crackdown, Federal, State, and Local, with sure and real penalties and mass deportations. I know one fellow, a naturalized citizen now, who, in one two-week period back in the 'Seventies, was stopped at the border twice, made into the US and was picked up and hauled back by "La Migre" seven times, and finally made all the way up to North Dakota ... where he lived and worked almost five years before being tripped up by having no driver's license following a traffic stop. He wound up joining the USN, and finally qualified thereby for citizenship. He owns a landscaping business, and employs illegals.