Chai wrote:I'm going to be totally honest here.
All that stuff with the tongue has never done much for me. Even with a really good kisser.
Even less so as the years go by.
I'm going to kiss you. I'm going to kiss you long and hard, and I'm going to jam my tongue so far down your throat I'll be able to tickle your G-spot with it. Then we'll see how you feel about it!
By the way, Gus and Calamity Jane...we're all (well, at least me and Rockhead are) waiting for that demonstration...
Have you ever seen video of like a wedding, where instead of just kissing the bride the couple go at it like a couple of bonobos?
christ, wait'll you get to the room you two.
I can just see 25 years from now...."Grandma, why was Grampy shoving his spitty tongue in your mouth...eww."
Or like on a first date. You had a good time, go to give the guy a little kiss on the lips. You open your mouth, slightly, like a quarter of an inch. That's so they'll be relaxed, and you can move them a little it you don't hit his lips spot on.
Then, when you're about 3 inches apart, too late to reconsider, he opens his mouth wide and your accosted with this wet protruding thing shoving past your lips and jaw.
Even worse, is when the thing isn't even flexed, just a hunk of ooziness laying in your mouth like a pound of raw liver.
Lip contact alone can be so nice, soothing and sexy. The tongue thing just makes you too aware of the mechanics of it all.
The tongue is an assitant to the lips, not the star of the show. :wink:
Mmmmm. I'll agree with at least starting with lips, and if a kiss moves along, the tongue thing with ... what word? delicacy, elegance, increasing sexual tension. A slobbering insistent tongue that makes its way like a barge is counterproductive.
Chai wrote:Have you ever seen video of like a wedding, where instead of just kissing the bride the couple go at it like a couple of bonobos?
I will screw my bride at the altar as a demonstration of my virility.
She's out there, somewhere.
Gargamel wrote:Chai wrote:Have you ever seen video of like a wedding, where instead of just kissing the bride the couple go at it like a couple of bonobos?
I will screw my bride at the altar as a demonstration of my virility.
She's out there, somewhere.
I wanna be the wedding photographer at THAT wedding.
Which side I lean towards really depends, I tend to go to the opposite side of the woman's open mouth sores.
I do not mind the occassional sloppy kiss that makes me laugh...

But open-eyed kissers must be terrible.
Yeah, i always wondered at those wedding videos in which they kiss violently (and it looks so fake like they're putting on show) and i always thought i found it weird because kissing (passionately) in public is fairly uncommon in india.
I think if you're in tune with your kissing partner then you pretty much lean the correct way. The last time I kissed passionately, well, I don't remember which way I leant. It was that good.
I dated a guy once that was a slobbery wet kisser---Yuck! And a stiff tongue down my throat is a definite turn off.
sakhi wrote:I do not mind the occassional sloppy kiss that makes me laugh...

that was also my reaction to the thread in general. but i think the corn nuts would really mess it up, at least enough to kill the moment.
Francis wrote:old europe wrote:What? You kiss people before starting a conversation with them..?
Around here, we often do.
Like when one is introduced to friends of friends...
Another reason to love France!
And you go right, always right. Everyone knows that. (OK, lil'k, you can switch in long sessions, but not for long. It just feels...wrong.)
kickycan wrote:
By the way, Gus and Calamity Jane...we're all (well, at least me and Rockhead are) waiting for that demonstration...
There you go. Gustav is always planting a kiss. I am less inclined to reciprocate.
Thanks, CJ! That is so sweet. But I don't see any eye-bulging. I think Gus may have just been blowing smoke up our asses, which is very surprising and disappointing, considering the fact that he's normally such a noble man who only lies when trying to deceive a woman into having sex with him.
Mighta known Gus would lean to the left.
Well Kicky, now you know that your friend gustav is only a terrible
I can't believe kicky hasn't found the thread where we've morphed into talking about breast milk.
gus found it.
I can't go into that thread. I'm lactose intolerant.