Today's attack ads
You'll all have read
about McCain's confusion about just how many houses he and his wife owned.
The Obama campaign had some fun with it yesterday, producing this ad:

"It's seven"
I was a bit disappointed actually - couldnt they have done more with that? Like, used the audio, for one? But they also cut a version today that's noticeably more cutting:

"Out of touch"
The McCain camp appears to be thoroughly spooked by the fracas. Sign of panic may be that they hurriedly fired off counter-attacks on Obama focusing both on Rezko (an official campaign ad) and Ayers (courtesy of a 527 run by "longtime Republican activists like Ed Failor, Jr. of Iowa [..] a McCain adviser in the state", quoth
Marc Ambinder).
I bet they were saving those lines of attack up for later, not intending to use them now and get a "oh, that again" response in October -- and that the decision to already launch them now anyway was made in haste.
Here's the Rezko one, which went online yesterday, and it's a little lame:

"Housing problem"
And here's the Ayers one, done by that 527, a group called "American Issues project" -- and it's tough as nails. Also launched yesterday, it's easily the nastiest attack ad in the campaign so far:

How much do you know about Barack Obama?
But that's still not all. Switching tacks from "Obama is a celebrity airhead" to "Obama is a shady, dangerous figure" is a bit awkward a turn, so on top of these two the Republicans also threw out another piece of "celebrity" snark yesterday - purely for use as web video I'm guessing:

"The One - Road to Denver"