Mon 22 Oct, 2007 06:40 pm
It is quite sad that grow adults would act in such a manner.
The disturbed poster reproduced a less than flattering pic of me on the political forum in attempt to make fun of my appearance.
Really pathetic. It really puts a damper on my participation in what was otherwise a grand event.
There's a risk in allowing photos to be posted.
Something for the photographer and the subject to consider in advance.
The photos we choose to represent us and the photos that do represent us, well, they're not always the same.
Kinda difficult to get up any kind of defense of you in that thread, Rox. You keep posting pictures of yourself there with comments practically begging folks to critique them.
Personally, I find the photo from the SF gather very flattering of you, much more so than the one you currently use as an avatar.
Edited to add that the above in no way excuses the behavior of some of the people in that thread. Not sure what posting a separate thread to call even more attention to it rather than using the Report button does to help the situation.
It makes me wonder as to the agenda for bringing this to a new thread. Attention? It seems that pictures are fair game if they are on the public domain. I have to agree with the other posters on this.
It is much better to just walk away from it and let it die on it's own.
What Butrfly, ehbeth and Intrepid said.
Yeah, what everyone else said, except I wanna know who the guy in the picture is (without further disrupting the other thread.) Was the pic from the A2K gathering?
I'm seeing it the way the other posters on this thread are, no offense... and I have to add that Tico's "attack" was severely handicapped by how pretty you look in the pic he chose to try to insult you with!

you have a really nice, open smile in that picture, it's sweet.
Okay girlfriend bend over. You are going to get it.
Step Ten
This is from the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous
Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it.
(not their inventory, your own inventory)
(this is not about their bad, its about your bad )which you have to acknowledge and take responsibility for.
In other words you are responsible for your side of the street.
You have no control over what other people think, say or do. You only have control over what you think, what you say and what you do.
I understand that you are in early sobriety and that you are going through a lot of changes in more than one area of your life. Not everyone you come in contact with in A2K is going to understand. However, when we put ourselves out there to be judged, we will be judged.
I think that you are a terrific person, and I am proud to call you friend.
You are kind, you are generous, you are intelligent and witty. And I sincerely believe anyone that has had one on one contact with you will agree.
May your higher power protect you every step of the way.
Your'e OK Seaglass. More healing, less insulting and deceiving.
Why should a photograph of anyone be posted to a
political thread?
msolga wrote:dlowan wrote:msolga wrote:Why should a photograph of anyone be posted to a
political thread?

It's a cesspool.
Well it's certainly a
novel approach!

The THREAD is a cesspool.
That's not all that novel. :wink:
squinney wrote:Yeah, what everyone else said, except I wanna know who the guy in the picture is (without further disrupting the other thread.) Was the pic from the A2K gathering?
I think you mean the one that included cyclo.
He must have been wearing his fake second eye.
"Member" is an exceedingly appropriate term....
Oh, that's Cyclop???
Sorry. If that is him, he is like a brother ...
And I was having incestous thoughts.