Reading my post over, I feel kind of embarrassed, especially since you're all so supportive. I must have sounded like I'm an incompetent nincompoop to be so proud of such minor accomplishments - heh heh
Just gotta say, though, that you guys really are the best.
Spent from 7:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. cooking at my craft fair. One of the vendors who was cooking (like me) had a temper tantrum and stormed off, leaving two of us in there, and it resulted in the manager having a crying meltdown

It was funny, really. I said, "Hey, we're all allowed a meltdown or hissy fit once in a while... just call her later and make up." But we were slammed in there - must have sold over 100 breakfasts, not to mention about 30 lunches. I was on eggs, toast, pancakes and french toast, and sandwiches, Donald did the meat, hashbrowns and plating, Sheila (Manager) while she was there, did the orders and till - I was exhausted by 2:00 p.m. Not a scrap left on 98% of the plates, which is always a good sign.
High Drama in the C.B. Market Kitchen 
I had a good laugh on the way home, actually.
I really would like to hear all your stories - people are so funny, eh?