Once again finn you fail to disappoint as you continue writing checks with your mouth that bounce due to lack of your own ass-funds.
Everyone read your reply below three days ago, that referenced my own post, written on Tue Sep 25, 2007 11:11 pm Post: 2871554 , with
Quote: Your post requires a response crafted on something other than a blackberry at a bar.
I'll be back
By now you've had sufficient time to post from your PC. So either you are the pompous little twit we all suspect you are or you are incapable of responding with anything of value.
btw: Thank God there was not a spelling section on that Regents English exam, huh?
finn de beagle wrote:Glad you are amused, but you sell yourself short. (BTW - egoists not egotists - there are no WAV files posted to this forum)