Finn dAbuzz wrote:DontTreadOnMe wrote:Finn dAbuzz wrote:DontTreadOnMe wrote:kuv and blatham... good stuff.

... pile ons...
you consider my comment a "pile on"?
i thought conservatives were
rugged individuals, dude.
as far as the travelling in packs thing... you may want to reflect on what has happened over the last few years to not only liberals and centrists, but also conservatives who go off the rez.
chuck hagel comes to mind.
and back on topic...
i don't seem to remember the right complaining about the nyt when judy miller was pimpin' the iraq war for the administration.
No, I don't consider your comment a "pile on."
More like an A2K version of that classic Warner Bros cartoon where the little scawny mutts bounces all around the big tough Bulldog, gibbering: "That's great Spike, you're great Spike, I'm your buddy---right Spike!"
Only here it's a Hungarian herding dog and not a Looney Toon bulldog.
sorry that's all you got out of the 4327 posts i've put up over the years.
but in deference to your delicate sensibilities, i promise to try really, really hard to never to compliment another poster ever again.
starting with you.
finn, i have rarely seen you post anything that was more than the equivalent of a cut and paste hit piece on liberals. ignore the idea and attack the messenger. apparently, it's inherent in the rugged individuals known as conservatives to avoid,even occassionally, looking beyond approved party rhetoric to consider that maybe someone else might actually have a decent, and more importantly, original idea.
perhaps you've never had one of those?
nope. none of that. if it doesn't fit neatly into your little box of "values", (because of course, only conservatives have those), you quickly sound the alarm and jump into action launching a holy seek and destroy mission on the nearest liberal before they can singlehandedly devastate this here nation under god.
really, man. it's pathetic.
are you and your gang of righteous vulture warriors really that threatened by nasty little things like free speech and inquiring mind ?
i have to laugh when you clowns label me a liberal.
since first registering to vote, i've only belonged to 2 parties. libertarian since 1979, and previously...
republican. voted for ford. voted for reagan. twice.
i'll be kind here. the main reason i began voting otherwise than republican in presidentials is simple. while growing up, the republicans were pretty good with money. they also stayed out people's personal lives.
that disappeared when reagan tripled a deficit that had never doubled since the time of washington. bush senior did him one better. the current knucklehead in chief, has out done both of 'em and sold us to the communist chinese. asi viejo, dubya!
put that together with 20+ years of the republican conservative's elevation to the status of a bunch of old nellies running around wringing their hands about abortion, gays, and any number of things that are really none of their business and what you have is this;
i will never vote for another republican president until every single one of your current crop of goody two shoes, "i'll give up every liberty to be kept safe" crowd of one size fits all haircuts has been put out to pasture.
hopefully, in your town. so
you can be the beneficiary of their constant pissing and moaning.
and while you are sitting there, nodding sagely to the canned speeches about "activist judges", "secular progressives", "liberal academia" (which is complete horseshit as evidenced by my mother, a teacher of over 45 years who was such a consumate conservative republican that she not only campaigned for nixon but also got me introduced to him) and worst of all, having to actually pay taxes to support your "faith based initiatives" and "proxy wars" with the villian of the week, it might actually come to pass that you realize;
you are not a conservative.
in fact, people like you give conservatism a bad name.
but hey, if you really just can't get off without demonizing at least half, and more likely three quarters of the american public, knock yourself out.
then we might get a little peace and quiet around here.