So I called the doctor. I'm not better, I tell her. I'm not worse either, except that we both think I should be better by now.
She increases the amount of steroids I'll be taking daily. And I should continue taking the antibiotic I started taking last week for the respiratory infection. Problem. I have $6.50 in the bank. Can't pay for another prescription. So I walked to the doctor's office to get free samples of the antibiotic. Can't walk hardly at all, so it took me a while. Panting, but I got the samples.
Made a small deposit, so I'll be able to pay for the steroids when the scrip runs out.
Yes, $6.50. Had a few unexpected expenses. Not even thinking about the rent or utilities at this point. Just need money for food and to get me places. Unexpected expenses suck. Money (the absence of it) sucks. Asthma sucks. Cancer sucks.
I'm in a sucky state of mind. Aaaaaaaarrrrggggghhhhh. And snarl.
On the zapping scene, my only side effect so far is DRY MOUTH. Thought I knew from dry mouth. This is a Saharan dryness. I'm talking dry. Absence of moistness. Tongue sticking places. Seriously dry.
Otherwise, everything is peachy (except when it sucks--or sticks.)