Out damned spot! On your lung, I mean. When do you get the latest interpretation of the damned spot?
Hope you are getting paid well....especially for the ooky one.
Moi? I don't seem to be making enough money! Only two months to go and I've hardly paid down the credit card I used for airfare and accommodation at all. Grrrrrrrrrr.....
Also, I can't find my passport. Also I'm in paperwork purdah again. I got rid of two thirds of the outstanding files then they gave me a new role that takes at least twice as much time as the .2 allowed. Also, the person who took the .2 of my normal job can't do it because we all have to have annual police checks. The government outsourced the police checking and they are now running more than six months late. Her clearance hasn't come through, though several months were allowed for the process, so she can't see kids. She is not alone.
Life is annoying.